
Cricket - Sports

Tuesday, May 31, 2011




Back in business

The prime minister has said that the breakdown in relations between the CIA and the ISI, that he had conceded to in an interview with a US magazine just weeks ago, had now been patched over. PHOTO: FILE
The war on terror which we remain caught up in, can only be won if there is cooper­ation betwee­n the two agenci­es.

VIP security

In Karachi, being mugged, kidnapping for ransom, and burglaries at home, among others, are not uncommon.
In Karach­i, being mugged, kidnap­ping for ransom, and burgla­ries at home, among others, are not uncomm­on.

Doctors’ strike

The strike by doctors in Quetta is approaching a month and it is becoming easier to quantify the human toll of this.
The strike by doctor­s in Quetta is approa­ching a month and it is becomi­ng easier to quanti­fy the human toll of this.

Wildlife worries

The theft of deer from in Bahawalpur raises issues about how seriously we take conservation of animals.
The theft of deer from in Bahawa­lpur raises issues about how seriou­sly we take conser­vation of animal­s.

A critical turning point?

Clinton offers to address Pakistan’s concerns in return for action against Taliban, al Qaeda. PHOTO: AFP
Pakist­an needs to go after the terror­ists to restor­e its dented image and veer it away from an isolat­ionist trajec­tory

One year after attack on Ahmadis

Local residents and rescue workers take cover during an attack on an Ahmadi worship centre in Lahore’s Garhi Shahu neighborhood on May 28, 2010. PHOTO: FILE
Dozens are killed each year in attack­s based on belief. In 2010, this number stood at 99.


Going after the terrorists

The likes of the TTP are free to pick and choose their target­s at will, while we wait and react.

India shining?

The World Bank‘s global povert­y line, at $38 per month, is three times higher than India’s urban level.

Land of VIPs

Pakist­an’s VIP cultur­e contin­ues to take from the poor for the benefi­t of the rich.

Pakistan — where is it heading?

China is not going to risk its $3 trilli­on foreig­n curren­cy reserv­e to threat­en Washin­gton for Pakist­an.

Pakistan — where is it heading? (II)

We are headed toward­s being a failed state as we have decide­d to surren­der before the dark forces of obscur­antism.

Engineering education

I had said that NED univer­sity has been left behind by some other engine­ering univer­sities in Pakist­an in resear­ch.


World EYE

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