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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Muridke: Two killed, four injured as van turns turtle


MUREDKE (Dunya News) – According to details, a van going to Gujranwala from Lahore turned turtle in Ghori area at the Grand Trunk Road (GT Road) near Muridke on Tuesday, injuring at least six people, Dunya News reported.The accident was caused when the tie-rod of the vehicle was broken.Rescue teams reached the spot and shifted the injured to Tehsil Headquarters Hospital where two of the injured succumbed to their wounds. Later, a critically wounded passenger was shifted to Mayo Hospital in Lahore.

Karachi: Rangers recover huge cache of arms


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Rangers conducted a raid in the Rahim Shah graveyard in Orangi Town area of Karachi on Tuesday and recovered huge cache of arms, Dunya News reported.A Rangers spokesman informed that two SMGs, three pistols, one repeater, two 7MM rifles, two bullet proof jackets and over two thousand bullets were recovered during the raid.The spokesman further said that the arms, which were buried in the graveyard, were in use of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) militant wing. He said that the recovered arms were to be used in creating unrest and target killing incidents in Karachi.

Child torture case: Tayyaba to be produced in SC today


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Tayyaba would be produced in Supreme Court (SC) today (Tuesday) in child torture case, reported Dunya News.Police submitted the investigation report in SC as the medical report said that she was tortured and burnt as well. There were wounds on her back and her left hand.The wound on her back was healing whereas 1 cm long wound on her forehead had already healed. There were also old wounds on her neck and body.When Tayyaba was asked about her parents in psychological test, she pointed towards Azam and Nusrat, but her parents would be found out after DNA test report. According to the report submitted by DIG in SC, an incomplete challan was submitted against maid Maheen Zafar in trial court.

Gujranwala: Liquor recovered from police officials car


GUJRANWALA (Dunya News) – Patrolling police have conducted an operation near Aimanabad Road in Gujranwala on Tuesday and recovered huge quantity of liquor from a police official’s vehicle, Dunya News reported.Police have recovered at least 24 litres of high quality liquor and 40 cans of beer from the car and arrested an accused named Sohail. Police sources said that Sohail is a constable in Punjab police and currently deployed for duty at the State Bank.A case has been registered against Sohail at the Motrah Police Station.

Hyderabad: Couple, three kids found dead


HYDERABAD (Dunya News) - Five members of the same family were found dead in their sleep on the third storey of their house in Masum Shah Colony area in Hyderabad on Tuesday, Dunya News reported.The deceased were identified as 35-year-old Kafayat Ullah, his wife Shahina and their three children. Kafayat’s mother informed police that the victims went to sleep after switching on gas heater.Police sources said that evidence shows that the family died due to suffocation however the final conclusion depends on the postmortem report.

Obama says goodbye in last presidential speech


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Several US senators including Republicans critical of President-elect Donald Trumps skepticism of alleged Kremlin-ordered hacking joined forces Tuesday to introduce sanctions against Russia for interfering in the US election.The five Democrats and five Republicans laid out expansive new punishments including visa bans and financial asset freezes against those determined to have carried out cyberattacks against US Democratic offices.We should all be alarmed by Russian attacks on our nation, Senate Republican John McCain told reporters, as he also criticized President Barack Obamas outgoing administration for failing to craft a strong strategy for cyber deterrence.This appearance of weakness has been provocative to our adversaries, he said.Obama imposed sanctions on Moscow late last year after the US intelligence community concluded that Russia hacked into the Democratic National Committee and other US institutions with the intent to influence the 2016 election.We believe we can go further, said Ben Cardin, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.The Countering Russian Hostilities Act of 2017 would impose mandatory sanctions on Russias vast energy sector and on companies that invest in or help develop its civil nuclear projects.The measure is in part meant as retribution for Russias incursions in eastern Ukraine and its controversial annexation of Crimea in 2014.The bill would mandate sanctions on investments in the development of Russian civil nuclear projects and of the Russian energy pipelines.Republican sponsors of the measure include McCain, Robert Portman, Ben Sasse, and 2016 presidential hopefuls Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio.Graham, who has been critical of Trump in the past, said he was not trying to undermine the legitimacy of President-elect Trumps victory by highlighting Russias intention to impact the election and American democracy.My advice to him is that... it is now time to push back.Trump has said he wants better relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and he has rejected implications that Russian hacking of Democratic emails helped him win the election.He has also called US intelligence agencies actions and conclusions into question.The legislation would provide the White House with the ability to waive the sanctions.Whether or not it gets passed and signed into law before Obama leaves office on January 20, the bill would exert pressure on Trump, whose skepticism about Russian hacking has startled Democrats and Republicans alike.None of us know the position of the president-elect, but we do know and should know the position of the Congress, McCain said.The bill also would form a high-level task force within the Treasury Departments financial crimes and enforcement network that would target illicit Russian financial flows that interact with the US financial system.

Policeman shot dead in Lasbela


LASBELA (Dunya News) – Some unidentified persons riding on motorcycle opened fire and shot dead a policeman in Lasbela, Balochistan on Tuesday, Dunya News reported.The attackers managed to escape from the scene after killing the cop. The deceased was identified as Khalid. Police have shifted the body to hospital and started investigation.

Solution to unresolved conflicts lies in diplomacy: Maleeha


NEW YORK (Dunya News) – Pakistan’s permanent representative to the United Nations Dr Maleeha Lodhi has said that the solution to unresolved conflicts in the world lies in diplomacy.She was speaking on Tuesday during the UN General Assembly debate in Security Council on Maintenance of international peace and security: Conflict prevention and sustainable peace.Maleeha Lodhi said that the United Nations (UN) cannot meet challenge of promoting sustainable peace unless root causes of conflict are addressed. They include finding solutions to longstanding political disputes and redressing political and economic injustice.She said that new and complex conflicts are emerging even as older and unresolved disputes fester. Dr Maleeha Lodhi said that Pakistan supports the new UN Secretary Generals call for a surge in diplomacy for peace.She said that Pakistan believes that only national actors can drive the processes for sustainable peace. She further said that sustaining peace entails a political process and inclusivity is the lynchpin for sustaining peace.

New UN chief seeks 'whole new approach' to prevent war


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Tuesday called for a whole new approach to prevent war, vowing to boost the world bodys mediation capacity to tackle global conflicts.Making his first address to the Security Council since taking office, Guterres said too much time and too many resources were being spent on responding to crises rather than preventing them.People are paying too high a price, he said. We need a whole new approach.The ex-prime minister of Portugal and former head of the UN refugee agency took over from Ban Ki-moon on January 1 with a promise to shake up the world body.But Guterres is confronted with a deeply divided Security Council that has notably been unable to take decisive action to end the nearly six-year war in Syria, where more than 310,000 people have been killed.The rules-based international order is under grave threat, he said, describing the UN response to global crises as fragmented.Guterres announced plans to launch an initiative to enhance mediation as part of his commitment to a surge in diplomacy for peace, but he did not offer details.The 67-year-old diplomat-in-chief is expected to have a more hands-on approach than his predecessor Ban who left most of the mediation efforts to his special envoys.He encouraged the Security Council to invoke article six of the UN charter, which allows it to investigate disputes and lay out procedures for a settlement.Too many prevention opportunities have been lost because member states mistrusted each others motives, and because of concerns over national sovereignty, said Guterres.Today, we need to demonstrate leadership, and strengthen the credibility and authority of the United Nations, by putting peace first, he said, renewing his pledge to make 2017 a year for peace.Complicating Guterress plan to revitalize UN diplomacy is the question mark hanging over the foreign policy of the incoming US administration under President-elect Donald Trump.Trump has dismissed the world body as just a club for people to get together and have a good time.Guterres spoke with the incoming US leader by phone last week and the conversation was described by a UN spokesman as very positive.Later this week, Guterres will make his first foray abroad as UN chief, heading to Geneva to shore up Cyprus peace talks. He returns to Geneva next week to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping, whose support for the United Nations has been steadily growing.In one of her final addresses to the council, US Ambassador Samantha Power listed many of the conflicts raging worldwide -- in Syria, South Sudan, Yemen, Libya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Nigeria and Mali.It is obvious that we as a council can do better, said Power, who will end her term as US envoy when the new Trump administration takes over on January 20.She hit out at Russia, accusing Moscow of trampling over Ukraines sovereignty in clear violation of the UN charter, and criticizing the military campaign in support of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria.Russia has resorted to its veto power six times to block action by the council on Syria.Russias envoy shot back, accusing the United States of bringing chaos to the Middle East with the invasion of Iraq, the campaign against the Islamic State group in Syria and by destroying the state in Libya.The outgoing administration of President (Barack) Obama is desperately looking for those that it can blame for their failure, said Ambassador Vitaly Churkin.French junior minister Matthias Fekl recalled Frances proposal to restrict the use of the veto by council powers in conflicts that pose a risk of mass atrocities.This council must be able to act when it is necessary, said Fekl.

Obama says goodbye in last presidential speech


WASHINGTON (AFP) - Barack Obama closes the book on his presidency Tuesday, with a farewell speech in Chicago that will try to lift supporters shaken by Donald Trumps shock election.Obamas last trip on Air Force One will be a pilgrimage to his adoptive hometown, where he will address a sell-out crowd not far from where he delivered his victory speech eight years ago.For Michelle and me, Chicago is where it all started. Its the city that showed us the power and fundamental goodness of the American people, Obama said in a Facebook post previewing his remarks.Diehard fans -- many African Americans -- have braved Chicagos frigid winter to collect free tickets, which now sell for upwards of $1,000 a piece on Craigslist.Aside from First Lady Michelle Obama, the Vice President Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden will also come along for the ride.Obamas cross-country trek would be a sentimental trip down memory lane, were it not slap-bang in the middle of a tumultuous presidential handover.Trump has smashed conventions, vowed to efface Obamas legacy and hurled personal insults left and right.The 2016 election campaign has raised serious questions about the resilience of US democracy.In a virtually unprecedented move, US intelligence has accused the Kremlin of seeking to tip the electoral scales in Trumps favor.Democrats, cast into the political wilderness with the loss of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives plus a majority of statehouses, are struggling to regroup.With an approval rating hovering around 55 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University poll, Obama will hope to steel them for new battles ahead.Some 51 percent of Americans polled believe that Trump is doing a bad job as president-elect.Obamas lead speechwriter Cody Keenan said the address will be about a vision for where the country should go.Its not going to be like an anti-Trump speech, its not going to be a red meat, rabble rousing thing, it will be statesman-like but it will also be true to him, Keenan told AFP. It will tell a story.As Obama put it: Over the course of my life, Ive been reminded time and again that change can happen -- that ordinary people can come together to achieve extraordinary things.And Ive seen that truth up close over these last eight years.Trumps unorthodox politics has thrown 55-year-old Obamas transition and post-presidency plans into flux.Having vowed a smooth handover of power, Obama finds himself being increasingly critical of Trump as he prepares to leave office on January 20.After that there will still be a holiday and an autobiography, but Obama could find himself being dragged backed into the political fray if Trump were to enact a Muslim registry or deport adults brought to the United States years ago by their parents.Having vowed to take a backseat in politics, Obamas second act could yet be as politically engaged as Jimmy Carter -- whose post-presidency has remade his image as an elder statesman.Many Obama aides who had planned to take exotic holidays or launch coffer-replenishing forays into the private sector are also reassessing their future and mulling a return to the political trenches.Obamas foundation is already gearing up for a quasi-political role -- funneling idealistic youngsters into public life.Presidents since George Washington have delivered a farewell address of sorts.Washingtons final 7,641-word message -- which is still read once a year in the Senate by tradition -- contained warnings about factionalism and interference by foreign powers that seem oddly prescient.But speechwriter Keenan sees few obvious templates: Bush and Clinton did theirs from here (the White House), George H.W. Bush went to West Point, gave a foreign policy speech, he told AFP. They are all totally different.The trip to Chicago about more than nostalgia, Keenan indicated.The thread that has run though his career from his days as community organizer to the Oval Office is the idea that if you get ordinary people together and get them educated, get them empowered, get them to act on something, thats when good things happen, he said.For him, as someone who started as a community organizer, whose campaign was powered by young people, ordinary people, we decided we wanted to go back to Chicago.Chicago is not just his hometown, its where his career started.And now it is also where Obamas presidential career will effectively end.

IS resistance in Mosul is weakening: commander


MOSUL (AFP) - The number of jihadist car bomb attacks against Iraqi forces advancing in Mosul has fallen sharply to just a few a day, a top special forces commander said Tuesday.Major General Maan al-Saadi of the elite Counter-Terrorism Service, which has done much of the fighting in east Mosul, said the Islamic State groups defence of its last major Iraqi bastion was weakening.Car bombs have been a key component of ISs defence system since a broad offensive, Iraqs largest military operation in years, was launched on October 17 to retake Mosul, Saadi told AFP inside the city.At the beginning, they launched many car bombs, now much fewer. There are one, two or three a day, never more than 10, he said. In the first phase, they used more than 50 a day.Many of those attacks were conducted by suicide bombers who ram their explosives-laden vehicles into federal forces.A fresh push that started on December 29 has seen Iraqi forces, with increased backing from the US-led coalition, make significant gains in the eastern side of the city.The west bank of Mosul remains under full IS control however and was seen before the launch of the offensive as the hosting the citys most diehard jihadists.A Pentagon spokesman in Washington had spoken of the same trend on Monday.We see fewer and fewer VBIED than we had previously in Mosul, Navy Captain Jeff Davis said, using the acronym for vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices.Iraqi forces advancing in east Mosul on Sunday reached the Tigris River that splits the city for the first time.Combined with coalition air strikes on the bridges in central Mosul in recent weeks, the Iraqi push makes it very difficult for IS to resupply its eastern front.Another CTS commander said on Monday that the full recapture of east Mosul would be completed in a matter of days.The next phase of the nearly three-month-old operation will involve moving into the streets of west Mosul.A variety of Iraqi forces are positioned near the airport, which lies at Mosuls southern entrance but west of the river, in desert areas to the west and on the northern edges of the city.

Five killed as air strike hits Yemen school: medics


SANAA (AFP) - An air strike by the Saudi-led coalition on a primary school in rebel-held northern Yemen on Tuesday killed five people including two children, medical and military sources said.The headmaster and two other staff members were among those killed in the air raid in the district of Nihm, northeast of the capital Sanaa, which also left 13 wounded, the sources said.A medical source at Kuwait Hospital in Sanaa confirmed the casualty toll.A government military official said the school was hit by two missiles by mistake, accusing the Shiite Huthi rebels of keeping armoured vehicles nearby.The rebels saba.ye news website said eight people had been killed and 15 wounded.Human rights groups have repeatedly criticised the coalition over the civilian death toll from the bombing campaign it launched in March 2015.In August, an air strike on a Koranic school in Saada province, a rebel stronghold in the far north, killed 10 children and wounded 28 other people, prompting a UN call for a swift investigation.But a probe commissioned by the coalition claimed that the closest targets hit by warplanes were 10 kilometres (six miles) away from the school.Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have called on Washington, London and Paris to stop their deliveries of bombs and other weapons to Riyadh because of concerns over civilian casualties.More than 7,000 people have been killed in Yemen since the coalition launched its intervention, many of them civilians killed in its air strikes.Washington has scaled back its logistics and intelligence support for the coalitions air war because of concerns about its targeting.

Swiss Muslim girls must take swimming classes with boys: Europe court


STRASBOURG (AFP) - Muslim parents in Switzerland cannot refuse to send their daughters to school-run swimming lessons with boys, Europes top rights court said Tuesday, dismissing a challenge by a Turkish-Swiss couple claiming the rule violated their beliefs.The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) accepted that the refusal by Swiss authorities to exempt the couples two daughters from the compulsory lessons interfered with their freedom of religion.But the interference, it ruled, was justified by the need to protect the children from social exclusion.School has become the focal point in several high-profile battles between Swiss authorities and Muslim families who say their religion prevents their children from participating in some mixed activities.Last year, a high-profile case involving Muslim pupils in the northern canton of Basel refusing to shake hands with their female teachers caused an uproar. School plays a special role in the process of social integration, particularly where children of foreign origin were concerned, the ECHR, which is based in the French city of Strasbourg, said.Swimming lessons are not just to learn to swim, but above all to take part in that activity with all the other pupils, it added.Several parents in Switzerland have incurred fines in recent years for keeping their daughters home from obligatory swimming lessons.The case in Strasbourg was brought by Aziz Osmanoglu and his partner Sehabat Kocabas, a Turkish-Swiss couple living in Basel, who were among a handful of parents fined in 2010 for refusing to allow their daughters to take part in swimming lessons. All of the girls concerned were aged under 10.Osmanoglu and Kocabas argued that forcing their daughters -- aged seven and nine at the start of the dispute -- to attend classes that included boys until they reach puberty violated their faith.The couple unsuccessfully appealed the fine through the Swiss courts, after which they took their case to Europes rights court.The ECHR found the authorities had tried to accommodate the parents beliefs by, for instance, allowing the girls to wear the full-body burkini swimsuit. The fine of 1,400 Swiss francs (around 1,300 euros or $1,375) imposed on the couple, after a warning, was proportionate to the aim of getting them to comply with the regulation, the court added.The ECHR examines alleged violations of the European Convention on Human Rights. The couple has three months to appeal the decision.The case comes against the backdrop of an acrimonious debate in Europe over the place of Islam in public life that has been fuelled by an unprecedented migrant influx largely from the Middle East, and the radicalisation of marginalised Muslim youths, thousands of whom have been drawn to extremist groups like Islamic State.In September, Switzerlands lower house narrowly approved a bill banning the burqa nationwide -- a first step towards outlawing the full-face veil that could eventually be put to a referendum.Last summer, several towns in neighbouring France, which already has a burqa ban, banned burkinis before being forced by the Council of State to repeal the measure.

Manchester United win first leg of EFL semifinal against Hull City


MANCHESTER, United Kingdom (AFP) - Juan Mata and Marouane Fellaini struck to give Manchester United a 2-0 victory over injury-ravaged Hull City in Tuesdays League Cup semi-final first leg at Old Trafford.All eyes were on United captain Wayne Rooney, who is chasing a record 250th goal for the club, but it was Mata who broke the deadlock in the 56th minute before substitute Fellaini added a late second.It puts Jose Mourinhos men in the driving seat ahead of the return leg on January 26, although it was not until Fellaini headed home in the 87th minute that they finally put the game beyond Hull.Nevertheless, they have now won nine games in succession and look in fine fettle ahead of arch rivals Liverpools visit in the Premier League on Sunday.Hulls new manager Marco Silva, taking charge of his second game, was able to name only six substitutes and lost both Markus Henriksen and Josh Tymon to injury.Liverpool, last seasons beaten finalists, visit Southampton in the first leg of the second semi-final on Wednesday.Despite Mourinho making seven changes to the team that had outclassed Reading 4-0 in the FA Cup on Saturday, United picked up where they had left off, peppering the Hull goal with shots.Hull goalkeeper Eldin Jakupovic had to produce a one-handed save to thwart Mata inside two minutes and moments later Andy Robertson stopped Rooney applying the finishing touch to Marcus Rashfords shot.The presence of David Meyler and Tom Huddlestone in defence and the fact there were only six players on the Hull bench told the story of the visitors injury problems and there was more to come.Henriksen was left clutching his right shoulder in agony after being knocked over by Paul Pogba and had to go off in the 16th minute, with Abel Hernandez taking his place.United, missing the ill Zlatan Ibrahimovic, continued to swarm forward, Mkhitaryan twice shooting wide, Rashford lashing over and Jakupovic shovelling a long-range Pogba effort over the crossbar.But Hull, the Premier Leagues bottom club, began to offer an attacking threat of their own as half-time approached in the clubs first ever League Cup semi-final match.Adama Diomande gave United a scare when he headed against the post, only for an offside flag to then go up, and both Snodgrass and Hernandez tested David de Gea before the interval.Rooneys moment of history looked to have arrived in the 51st minute when Pogbas fine, flighted pass set him racing in on goal from the right, but he drilled his shot inches wide of the far post.Instead it was Mata who provided the breakthrough, stabbing in on the volley at the back post after Antonio Valencias cross from the right was headed back across goal by Mkhitaryan.After Diomande had volleyed over acrobatically for Hull, Pogba came within a whisker of doubling Uniteds lead, his curling free-kick clanging against the left-hand post and bouncing away.It seemed Hull would escape with only a one-goal deficit, but with three minutes remaining Fellaini met Matteo Darmians cross with a looping header that Huddlestone could only help over the line.Silvas injury woes mounted yet further in stoppage time when 17-year-old left-back Tymon had to limp off.

Football: Stardom driven Ronaldo says he is 'part of history'


MADRID (AFP) - Real Madrid superstar Cristiano Ronaldo said he is part of footballs history in an interview published Tuesday a day after he won FIFAs inaugural The Best prize for the worlds best player in 2016.I have no doubt that I am already a part of footballs history. This has always been my major goal, since I started playing: not only to become a player, but to be a star and to constantly strive to be the best, he told Fifa.com when asked whether he sees himself as one of the greatest players ever.And I did it: the trophies speak for themselves - both the titles, the individual awards, and the records. It is a source of great pride and it motivates me to keep on working the same way I have been doing so far.Ronaldo, 31, lifted the award at a star-studded ceremony in Zurich on Monday after a glittering year on the pitch saw him lead Madrid to Champions League glory and captain Portugal to their first ever major international triumph at Euro 2016.He had already won the Ballon dOr after his third Champions League title, thanks in major part to his 16 goals in 12 games.The player said he thinks winning Euro 2016 was the pinnacle of his career.Not to diminish my praise for the other trophies, the Champions League and Club World Cup, but this was special for being the first title in the history of Portugal.


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