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Friday, June 16, 2017

Dunya TV

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Four dead as suicide bombers hit Kabul Shiite mosque


KABUL (AFP) - Suicide bombers struck a crowded Shiite mosque in Kabul late Thursday, killing four people in the latest in a series of militant attacks to rattle the Afghan capital during the holy month of Ramadan.The assault claimed by Islamic State jihadists left eight others wounded when the bombers blew themselves up in the kitchen of Al Zahra mosque after police prevented them from entering the prayer hall packed with worshippers.The carnage comes at a time Kabul is already on edge following a wave of deadly bombings, which triggered angry public protests calling for the resignation of President Ashraf Ghanis government over spiralling insecurity.Terrorist attack on Al Zahra mosque in west of Kabul, ministry spokesman Najib Danish said. Three civilians and one policeman was killed and eight others were wounded.The attack occurred as the mosque was preparing for Lailatul Qadr, an all-night congregation of worshippers during Ramadan that holds special significance for Shiite Muslims.IS, which has frequently targeted minority Shiite areas in Kabul, claimed responsibility for the attack via its propaganda agency Amaq.The Taliban, Afghanistans biggest militant group locked in a fierce rivalry with IS, disavowed the attack with a spokesman saying they do not target places of worship.The rise of IS has raised the spectre of sectarian discord in Afghanistan, something that the Sunni-majority country has largely been spared despite decades of war.Afghanistan has witnessed a wave of attacks on Shiites in recent months claimed by IS, which considers Shiite Muslims apostates.General John Nicholson, the top US commander in Afghanistan, has pledged to defeat the local IS affiliate this year.In April the US military dropped its largest non-nuclear bomb ever used on an IS stronghold in eastern Afghanistan, killing dozens of jihadists, but the group still appears to be resilient.IS fighters this week captured Tora Bora, a mountain cave complex in eastern Afghanistan that was once the hideout of Osama bin Laden, despite pressure on the jihadists from US-led forces.Kabul has been on edge since a massive truck bomb on May 31 killed more than 150 people and wounded hundreds in the citys fortified diplomatic quarter, the deadliest attack in the Afghan capital since 2001.Just days later protesters incensed by the bombing clashed with police, prompting authorities to respond with live rounds, which left at least four people dead.Separately, suicide bombers tore through a row of mourners at the funeral for one of the protesters, killing at least seven more people.The carnage during the holy fasting month of Ramadan has left the Afghan capital shaken, with anti-government protesters incensed by rising insecurity setting up a sit-in camp close to the May 31 bombing site.Pentagon chief Jim Mattis this week acknowledged that America still is not winning in Afghanistan nearly 16 years after the US-led invasion toppled the Taliban regime, as US military commanders push for additional troops to help stabilise the country.Mattis said he will present a new US military strategy for Afghanistan, along with adjusted troop numbers, in the coming weeks to President Donald Trump.

US Senate approves new sanctions on Russia, Iran


WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US Senate on Thursday overwhelmingly passed tough sanctions on Russia and Iran, sending the House of Representatives a bill that would prevent President Donald Trump from unilaterally easing penalties against Moscow.The measure, which passed on a 98-2 vote, seeks to make Tehran pay a price for its continued support of terrorism.It also aims to punish Russias Vladimir Putin for interfering in last years US election, and to make it tougher for the White House to roll back sanctions.US intelligence chiefs have concluded that Russia orchestrated a campaign to undermine the American election process that included espionage and cyber-attacks, as a means to tilt the vote in Trumps favor.Not only did we pass a new round of tough sanctions for Russias meddling in our election, we codified existing sanctions into law, making them harder to lift, and we moved to make Congress -- not the president -- the final arbiter of sanctions relief when necessary, top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer said before the vote.Any idea of the presidents that he can lift sanctions on his own for whatever reason are dashed by this legislation.The bill as originally introduced was exclusively about slapping new sanctions on Iran. But lawmakers attached a bipartisan amendment on Russia to it early this week.The addition came with the White House deeply embroiled in crisis over whether Trumps campaign team colluded with a Russian effort to sway the 2016 election.The measure would require a green light from Congress in the event sanctions on Russia are relaxed, suspended or terminated.It would codify in law the sanctions imposed by executive decree by Trumps predecessor Barack Obama, especially against the Russian energy industry.And it would impose new sanctions on corrupt Russian actors, those implicated in serious human rights abuses or who supply weapons to Bashar al-Assads regime in Syria, and people who conduct malicious cyber activity on behalf of the Russian state.This is a very, very strong piece of legislation, Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman Bob Corker said on the Senate floor.Corker, too, sounded pleased that the bill effectively ties a presidents hands when it comes to unwinding certain sanctions on Russia.Today the United States Senate is asserting its responsibilities regarding foreign policy, he added.The sanctions follow the scandalous departure of Michael Flynn as Trumps national security advisor.Flynn had been misleading about his phone conversations late last December that reportedly included talks with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, just as then-president Barack Obama was ordering new sanctions on Russia over its alleged election meddling.The new Iran restrictions, which impose mandatory sanctions on people involved with the Islamic republics ballistic missile program and those that transact with them.It also applies terrorism-related sanctions to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and re-enforces aspects of the arms embargo on Iran.Senate Republican Lindsey Graham said the sanctions send a strong signal that business as usual with Iran is over.The bill now heads to the House, where its fate is less certain.The White House has yet to announce its position on the legislation, and whether it approves of a process of congressional review that would essentially restrict the presidents actions with regard to Putins government.

Angry Trump decries being target of Russia probe


WASHINGTON (AFP) - President Donald Trump responded angrily to reports he is under criminal investigation Thursday, deriding a witch hunt against him led by some very bad people.Trump responded to reports he is personally being investigated for obstruction of justice with a characteristic scorched earth defense: claiming mistreatment of historic proportions and calling into question the probity of his accusers.You are witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history - led by some very bad and conflicted people Trump said in an early morning tweet.Trump did not directly address the allegations that he is being probed for possibly obstructing justice -- a potentially impeachable offense. Nor did he deny he has entered the miniscule ranks of sitting presidents who have become the subject of a criminal investigation.They made up a phony collusion with the Russians story, found zero proof, so now they go for obstruction of justice on the phony story. Nice, he wrote.Trumps young presidency has been battered by allegations -- under investigation both by Congress and the FBI -- that Russia interfered to sway the 2016 election in his favor, in possible collusion with Trumps campaign team.The FBI probe, now in the hands of special prosecutor Robert Mueller, shifted its focus to allegations of obstruction in the days after Trump fired the agencys then director James Comey on May 9.The new allegations against Trump center on his own admission that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation, and suggestions he asked several top intelligence officials for their help altering the direction of the inquiry.The Washington Post reported Thursday evening that Muellers team is also focusing on the finances and business dealings of Jared Kushner, Trumps senior adviser and son-in-law.The widened Russia probe could have far-reaching repercussions for Trumps presidency, transforming his closest aides into witnesses and sucking yet more political oxygen out of the West Wing.On Thursday an aide to Vice President Mike Pence revealed he was hiring Richard Cullen -- a veteran of the Iran-Contra investigation, Watergate and the 2000 vote recount in Florida -- as a private lawyer.The latest White House crisis struck on the evening of Trumps 71st birthday, after a day in which he had won plaudits for his handling of the shooting of Republican Congressman Steve Scalise.In an address to the country, Trump struck a notably less partisan tone in response to his first major domestic crisis.Ditching derogatory rhetoric about the Washington swamp, Trump rallied in support of his fellow politicians and called on the country to pull together.We may have our differences, but we do well, in times like these, to remember that everyone who serves in our nations capital is here because, above all, they love our country, Trump said.But his tweets virtually ensure that the political focus swings back to the Russia scandal.The president has long vehemently denied any collusion with Moscow.But as the legal rope has tightened, Trumps allies have gone on the offensive, questioning the credibility of the special investigator Mueller, a respected former FBI director who served under Republican president George W. Bush.Allies have even floated the idea that Mueller may be fired.On Wednesday, Trumps lawyer Marc Kasowitz suggested -- without providing evidence -- that the FBI had leaked details of the criminal probe.The FBI leak of information regarding the President is outrageous, inexcusable and illegal, Kasowitz said via a spokesman.Trump also trained his fire on one-time rival Hillary Clinton.Why is that Hillary Clintons family and Dems dealings with Russia are not looked at, but my non-dealings are? he wrote.Crooked H destroyed phones w/ hammer, bleached emails, & had husband meet w/AG days before she was cleared- & they talk about obstruction?Several top intelligence officials have agreed to be interviewed by Muellers team, according to reports in both The Washington Post and New York Times.The Post quoted five people briefed on the requests, saying those who agreed to be interviewed include national intelligence director Daniel Coats, Admiral Mike Rogers who heads the NSA, and his recently departed deputy, Richard Ledgett.Comey told Congress last week that before being sacked, Trump pressured him to drop an investigation into his former national security advisor, Mike Flynn, who was forced to quit for lying about his links to Moscow.

Turkey's Erdogan furious over US warrants for aides in embassy brawl


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US authorities on Thursday announced arrest warrants had been issued for 12 members of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogans security detail for assaulting protesters in Washington last month, sparking a furious response from the Turkish leader.Erdogan said the United States had no right to arrest his guards, who he said were protecting him from terrorists.The Turkish foreign ministry officially invited the US ambassador in for discussions after the announcement.But Washington held that Erdogans security detail had no justification to attack the small group of Kurdish and Armenian protesters outside the Turkish ambassadors residence on May 16, just after Erdogan met with President Donald Trump at the White House.Nine people were injured, with several going to the hospital for treatment of head injuries, broken teeth, deep cuts and bruises.The charges against the 12, along with six other Turkish-Americans and Turkish-Canadians who joined the melee, send a clear message that the United States does not tolerate individuals who use intimidation and violence to stifle freedom of speech and legitimate political expression, said State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert.Erdogan lashed back, accusing US police of having allowed terrorists to protest 50 meters from me during his US visit.Why would I bring my guards with me to the United States, if not to protect me? he said in a speech in Ankara, adding that US police did nothing. We will fight politically and judicially against the warrants, he added.The 12 men named in the warrants were identified in detailed video footage of the assault, said Washington Police Chief Peter Newsham. The men, all Turkish citizens, include nine Erdogan security guards and three Turkish police.The violence erupted in broad daylight in Washingtons diplomatic quarter, just minutes after Erdogan arrived at the ambassadors residence from the White House.Video of the fracas shows Turkish security aides beating demonstrators and kicking those some on the ground repeatedly in the head. The State Department lodged a formal protest with Ankara over the incident at the time, registering its concern in the strongest possible terms.In a charging document presented in court Thursday against Sinan Narin, one of four Turkish-Americans already arrested in the case, Washington police detective Victor DePeralta called the incident a vicious attack.Shortly after Erdogans limousine pulled up, his security officers and supporters rushed across the street at the protesters in a nearly simultaneous, coordinated throng, the detective said.Members of the Turkish security detail were seen speaking with each other and touching communication devices seconds before the rush, he said. The protesters, he said, were not physically aggressive in any way, nor were they even physically proximate to the pro-Erdogan contingent.Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser condemned the violence strongly on Thursday, saying it violated the constitutional right to peaceful protest.We host millions of people who come to the seat of their government to protest peacefully. We support them, we make sure that they are safe, but we also make sure that they follow our law, Bowser said at a press conference.Anyone traveling to the United States will be held to that same standard, she said.Newsham did not explain how police expected to arrest the 12, given their location in Turkey and possible diplomatic protections. He said the State Department would determine how to execute the warrants.

Russia accuses US of deploying missiles in Syria


MOSCOW (AFP) - Russia on Thursday accused the US-led coalition of deploying missiles against Syrian troops at a garrison in the east of the country, where rebels battling the Islamic State group are being trained.In a statement, the defence ministry said the United States has moved two HIMARS multiple rocket launchers from Jordan to the Al-Tanaf US special forces base.That suggested that the equipment would be used for strikes against Syrian government forces, the statement added.Deploying any type of foreign weapons on Syrian territory... must be approved by the government of the sovereign country, it said.Forces of the US-led anti-IS coalition have repeatedly issued strikes on Syrian government forces fighting IS near the Jordanian border.Its not hard to guess that similar strikes will be continued against contingents of the Syrian army in the future using HIMARS, it said.In Washington, a US Defense Department confirmed the deployment of the HIMARS system to the base, but did not say how many.Russia has conducted a bombing campaign in Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad since September 2015, and last week branded a coalition strike on pro-regime fighters an act of aggression.Last week the Pentagon credited Russia with helping to calm tensions in southern Syria after a US jet shot down a pro-regime combat drone that had fired at coalition forces.In the first incident of its type, the pro-regime drone on fired what turned out to be a dud bomb at US-led coalition forces close to the coalitions At-Tanaf garrison near the Jordanian border.Pentagon spokesman Navy Captain Jeff Davis said then that any escalation in hostilities between the coalition and the pro-regime forces had been avoided thanks mainly to Russias influence.The HIMARS system, mounted on a lorry, fires GPS-guided rockets with a range of 70 kilometres (43 miles).Another version of the system fires small GPS-guided missiles with a range of 300 kilometres, but it is not know which type has been deployed.

Karachi: More than 100 arrested in police raids


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Police carried out operation in different parts of Karachi on Thursday and arrested eight accused and more than 100 suspects, Dunya News reported.According to details, police arrested a security guard of K-Electric from Sher Shah area and recovered electric wire worth lakhs of rupees from his possession.Police conducted a raid on a gambling den in Awami Colony area and arrested at least seven gamblers. Police also arrested a proclaimed offender from Rizvia area.On the other hand, police carried out search operation in Khamisoo Goth area of New Karachi and arrested 19 suspects while 15 other were apprehended fron Naldia Town area.At least 25 suspects were taken into custody during search operation in Orangi Town while 10 suspects were apprehended from Lines area.Police also conducted an operation on the route of Youm-e-Ali procession in the jurisdiction of Pareedi Police Station and arrested at least 30 suspects and shifted them to police station.

20 suspects held during search operation in Lahore


LAHORE (Dunya News) – At least 20 suspects were taken into custody during search operation jointly carried out by police and Rangers in different parts of Lahore on Thursday, Dunya News reported.Police and Rangers conducted search operation in Akbari Gate, Masti Gate, Lari Adda and Bakar Mandi areas. Biometric device was used for the identification of the resident during house-to-house search in these areas and 20 suspects, who failed to produce and identity documents, were arrested.On the other hand, police and personnel of intelligence agencies conducted flag march on the route of Youm-e-Ali procession from Akbari Gate to Karbala Gamay Shah.

Multan: 3 terrorists of banned outfit arrested in CTD operation


MULTAN (Dunya News) - The Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) carried out an operation on intelligence report in Kali Pull area of Shujjabad near Multan on Thursday and arrested three terrorists, Dunya News reported.Three hand grenades and other ammunition was also recovered from arrested terrorists. The hand grenades were later defused.According to CTD spokesperson, the terrorists were identified as Abdul Hameed, Lal Gul and Din Muhammad and were members of a banned outfit.The spokesperson further informed that the terrorists were planning to target sensitive installations in the area.

Uch Sharif: 6 killed as bus falls from overhead bridge


UCH SHARIF (Dunya News) – At least six people were killed and 37 others were wounded when a speeding bus fell from an overhead bridge in Uch Sharif on Thursday, Dunya News reported.According to details, a bus going to Karachi from Lahore fell from an overhead bridge while taking a sharp turn at the National Highway near Chani Goth stop in Uch Sharif, killing six people and injuring 37 others.Rescue teams reached the spot and retrieved the dead bodies after cutting the body of the bus with the help of gas gutter. The injured were shifted of Ahmadpur Shaqia, Chani Goth and other major hospitals in the area.

Faisalabad: PML-N worker killed in firing incident


FAISALABAD (Dunya News) – According to details, some unidentified persons opened fire at the house of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) worker Imran Butt in Samanabad area of Faisalabad on Thursday and critically wounded him.Imran Butt succumbed to his wounds while he was being shifted to a nearby hospital.A heavy contingent of police reached the spot after the incident and shifted the dead body to Allied Hospital for autopsy. Police sources said that a search has been launched to arrest the culprits behind the incident.

Funeral prayers of martyred policemen offered in Peshawar


PESHAWAR (Dunya News) - The funeral prayers of three policemen who were martyred in militants firing in Peshawar s Chamkani area were offered on late Thursday night, Dunya News reported.Governot Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Zafar Iqbal Jhagra, Corps Commander Peshawar Nazir Ahmad Butt, IG police Salahud Din and other high civil and military officials attended the funeral prayers.The dead bodies of the martyred policemen were later shifted to their native towns for burial.Talking of media after the funeral prayers, SSP Operation Muhammad Sajjad said that three policemen, Umar Hayat, Shahid and Intikhab Alam, were martyred when militants opened fire on the officers vehicle in Peshawar s Chamkani area. One terrorist was also killed when police retuned the fire while his accomplice managed to escape.He further informed that the area was cordoned off after the firing incident and search operation was underway to arrest the other militant involved in the attack.

Root rues 'golden chance' that got away


CARDIFF (AFP) - Joe Root accepted England had missed a golden chance to end their long wait for a maiden one-day international title after a crushing eight-wicket Champions Trophy semi-final defeat by Pakistan.But the star batsman, Englands Test skipper, is determined to put the hurt the white-ball side feel now to good use when the country stages the 2019 World Cup.England, despite competing in 19 major ICC ODI events since the inaugural World Cup back in 1975 have yet to lift a trophy.Their only comparable limited overs success came when they won the 2010 ICC World Twenty20 in the Caribbean.England have undergone something of an ODI revival since a dismal first-round exit at the 2015 World Cup.But none of that dash or even much in the way of cricket know-how was on show as they failed to adjust to the demands of playing on a used pitch against Pakistan in Cardiff on Wednesday.Having been 128 for two, they lost their last eight wickets for 83 runs as they slumped to a lowly 211 all out.Well though Pakistan bowled, the knowledge they had struggled to get to 237 in seeing off Sri Lanka in the Welsh capital just two days earlier was a stark reminder to England of what might have been had they managed to set a total of around 250-270.Instead, Pakistan were able to cruise to their victory target, having adapted to the slow and low surface with some skilled seam bowling and dynamic batting.Im just very disappointed, said Root, who top-scored for England with 46.Weve played some really good cricket throughout the whole of this summer, and it was frustrating not being able to do it (in the semi-final).This doesnt feel great at the minute but theres a lot of cricket still to play this summer, and weve got to make sure were right for that.This was a golden chance to win a tournament at home, and I think all we can do now is keep looking towards that World Cup and use this as a really good platform.The Yorkshireman added: We know were not the finished article.We have made huge strides and weve got to continue to work out ways to get on the right side of these scenarios when things arent favourable to us.But more than anything weve got to keep that drive weve had over the last 18 months to keep getting better -- so when that World Cup does come around were in the best shape possible to give ourselves the best chance of contending in that final.Wednesdays reverse was just Englands second defeat in their last 13 ODIs and coach Trevor Bayliss was confident it would not do lasting damage to Eoin Morgans talented side.Weve played worse than this over the last couple of years and been knocked over fairly easily in some games, (but) it doesnt seem to affect them, he said.Theyll put this to the back of their minds and go and perform the next time, the Australian added.Playing on used pitches is something that can happen at major events and Bayliss accepted England had to find a way to remain competitive in less than ideal batting conditions.It was very difficult to let the ball come on and hit through the line ... (but) you have to learn to play on different wickets -- sometimes at home, sometimes away.

Coetzer ton blasts Scots to Zimbabwe shocker


LONDON (AFP) - Kyle Coetzer smashed a century as Scotland beat Zimbabwe by 26 runs on Thursday to end their wait for a first official one-day international victory over a Test nation.Scotlands recent win over Sri Lanka was not seen as a first success against Test opposition as the two-game series was not given full one-day international status.But the Scots didnt have to wait long to get off the mark as captain Coetzer inspired their surprise success at the Grange in Edinburgh.Coetzer hit 109 and he was well supported by Craig Wallace and Michael Leask, who both recorded half centuries in the hosts total of 317-6 from 50 overs.Zimbabwe had reached 107-4 before rain forced a Duckworth-Lewis rule adjusted run chase.Malcolm Waller smashed 92 for Zimbabwe and Sean Williams added 70.But Scotland werent to be denied, with Con de Lange taking five wickets as Zimbabwe were dismissed for 272.

Hussain says pitch blameless in England defeat


CARDIFF (AFP) - Nasser Hussain said it was disrespectful to Pakistan to blame Englands shock eight-wicket Champions Trophy semi-final defeat on a used Cardiff pitch.England, previously the only unbeaten team left in the eight-strong one-day international tournament and huge favourites to defeat Pakistan, were bowled out for just 211 in Cardiff on Wednesday.Pakistan, who suffered a 124-run thrashing by arch-rivals India in their opening group game then cruised to their meagre victory target with a mammoth 77 balls to spare.The pitch played more like a sub-continental surface than a British one and England captain Eoin Morgan said afterwards: Coming from Edgbaston, it was obviously a big jump in pace and bounce and too much of an ask for us to adjust to really.Morgan added Pakistan were more comfortable because they played two days ago on it (when beating Sri Lanka in a virtual quarter-final).But legendary Pakistan fast bowler Waqar Younis said blaming the pitch was a lame excuse and former England captain Hussain agreed.There will be a lot of talk about the Cardiff pitch after Pakistan dumped England out of the Champions Trophy. But that wont wash with me, Hussain wrote in his Daily Mail column.Its disrespectful to Pakistan, who played brilliantly and made the best of the conditions.Meanwhile Hussain lamented Englands timid play, which he said was in marked contrast to the way they had revived their ODI fortunes since a woeful first-round exit at the 2015 World Cup.Their coach Trevor Bayliss has always asked for them to play smart cricket, not just gung-ho cricket. This was anything but smart. In fact, it was timid.Meanwhile Michael Vaughan, another ex-England captain, said in his Daily Telegraph column that he felt flatter than at the time of their World Cup exit two years ago.The Ashes-winning skipper added: Here they had every facet covered with 10 of the 11 players in form and the side playing a style of cricket that makes them a match for any team in the world, so to play that badly in a semi-final, with everything riding on the game, was terribly disappointing.Meanwhile Michael Atherton, a fellow former England captain, said Morgans men had fluffed their lines.England came into the Champions Trophy with high hopes and had won 11 of their previous 12 ODIs before Wednesdays reverse.There were huge expectations theyd go on to win the tournament, I think justifiably so on the back of what theyve done over the last year-and-a-half, said Atherton.As a result, the bar was set very high for this tournament, and theyve failed to deliver -- thats the brutal truth of sport.England have never won a major ODI trophy despite appearing in 19 global events at this level since the inaugural World Cup back in 1975.Now Englands wait will continue until at least 2019 -- when they stage the next World Cup.Meanwhile Pakistan could have a chance of revenge against India in Sundays final at the Oval as the title-holders beat Bangladesh in Thursdays second semi-final at Edgbaston.

Kohli says impressed with the belief shown by Sarfraz XI


(Web Desk) – Indian skipper Virat Kohli said in the post-match press conference on Thursday that he was impressed with the belief shown on the field by Pakistan cricket team.After registering a stunning victory over Bangladesh in ICC Champions Trophy 2017 semi-final, Kohli looked confident for the all-important finale against the arch-rival Pakistan. He admired the way Pakistani skipper Sarfraz Ahmed and his men played together as a unit, while answering to question in media talk.Virat Kohli stated, “Ive been impressed with the belief Pakistan has shown on the field and the way they have played together as a team.”Virat Kohli Ive been impressed with the belief Pakistan has shown on the field and the way they have played together as a team CT17 pic.twitter.com/NLPD5yHsn0— Saj Sadiq (@Saj_PakPassion) June 15, 2017 He also commented on the comeback by the green shirts after the dreadful defeat against the Champions Trophy in the group-stage matches. (I am) very impressed with Pakistan. Turnaround has been magnificent. If you reach a final you have to play some good cricket, he added.The Indian skipper praised Pakistan’s resilience. He credited the Sarfraz XI for outperforming against stronger sides. Journalists kept on asking him questions about the much-awaited Pakistan CT17 final. He responded saying they will play it as any other match.On a question about Pakistan’s turnaround in CT17, he stated, Credit to Pakistan as theyve turned around things really well & beaten sides that looked really strong against them.”


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