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Friday, September 22, 2017

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Full text of PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi speech at UNGA


Mr. President,Excellencies,Distinguished delegates,Ladies and Gentlemen,Let me first congratulate Mr. Miroslav Lajcak on his election as the President of the 72nd session of the General Assembly. I am confident that his long experience in public service and international relations will be an asset in successfully guiding this august Assembly to address the imposing challenges of security, development and governance that confront the world today.Mr. President,For over 70 years – despite the Cold War, the nuclear arms race and scores of regional conflicts – our world was able to avoid a global conflagration. This can be ascribed in large measure to the adherence by most States to the prohibition of the use or threat of use of force except under the authority of the UN Charter.Unfortunately, the principles of the UN Charter have been progressively eroded in the new millennium. In recent years some countries have displayed a growing proclivity to resort to unilateral force and intervention against other States. Coercion and threats have emerged again as the main currency in the management of inter-state disputes and differences.Renewed East-West tensions may engulf Europe in another Cold War. Peace and prosperity in Asia is threatened by emerging big power friction and rising tensions in South, East and West Asia.The Middle East is wracked by war and violence – in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and elsewhere. Although Daesh appears to have been weakened in Iraq and Syria, terrorist violence has spread and intensified across the Middle East and Africa and other parts of the world.There is no end in sight to the tragedy of Palestine. Israel’s prolonged occupation and expansion of illegal settlements may lead to renewed and wider violence in the Holy Land.The legitimate struggle for self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir continues to be brutally suppressed by India’s occupation forces.Rising racism and religious hatred – manifested in xenophobia and Islamophobia – is erecting physical walls and psychological barriers between nations and peoples even as our world becomes increasingly interdependent.The ethnic cleansing of Rohingyas is not just an affront to all norms of humanity but also challenges our collective conscience.While the pillars of world order are being eroded, the imperative of international cooperation – to address poverty, disease, climate change, nuclear proliferation, terrorism and forced displacement – is intensifying.Today, more than ever, we need the United Nations to provide the parameters, processes and platforms for global cooperation that is essential to address the wide ranging challenges to peace, security, and development.Pakistan welcomes the efforts launched by Secretary General Antonio Guterres to revitalize the United Nations’ capabilities in Peace and Security, Development and Management.We are also committed to reform that transforms the Security Council into a more representative, democratic and accountable body rather than an expanded club of the powerful and the privileged.Mr. President,Pakistan celebrated the 70th anniversary of its independence last month. This month marks the 70th anniversary of Pakistan’s membership of the United Nations.Pakistan’s commitment to the principles of the United Nations is evident from the long record of its constructive role in the initiatives and contributions that have shaped the decisions and discourse at this world body on decolonization, development, trade, international law, human rights, refugees, peacekeeping, security, disarmament and the United Nations’ budget and management.Pakistan has consistently been one of the world’s top troop contributors to UN peacekeeping. We will remain on the frontlines of peacekeeping and continue to offer professional and well-trained personnel to the United Nations, despite our own security challenges.Mr. President,Our adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter flows from the declaration of our Founding Father, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah who said: “Our foreign policy is one of friendliness and goodwill towards all nations of the world”.Unfortunately, from day one of its creation, Pakistan has faced unremitting hostility from its eastern neighbor. India refuses to implement the unanimous resolutions of the UN Security Council, which mandate a UN supervised plebiscite to enable the people of Jammu and Kashmir to freely decide their destiny.Instead India has deployed nearly 700,000 troops in Occupied Kashmir to suppress the legitimate struggle of the Kashmiris to exercise their right to self-determination. This is the most intense foreign military occupation in recent history.As in the past, today the Kashmiri people are waging a heroic and popular struggle to rid themselves of India’s oppressive rule. They come out in the streets daily to call on India to leave Jammu and Kashmir.India has responded with massive and indiscriminate force to suppress the Kashmiris, shooting indiscriminately at children, women and youth. Hundreds of innocent Kashmiris have been killed or injured. Shotgun pellets have blinded and maimed thousands of Kashmiris including children. These and other brutalities clearly constitute war crimes and violate the Geneva Conventions.Pakistan demands an international investigation into India’s crimes in Occupied Kashmir. We ask that the United Nations Secretary-General and the High Commissioner for Human Rights send an inquiry Commission to Occupied Kashmir to verify the nature and extent of India’s human rights violations, secure the punishment of those responsible, and provide justice and relief to the victims.Pakistan also urges the international community to call on India to: halt pellet gun attacks and other violence against unarmed demonstrators; stop the use of rape as an instrument of state policy; end media blackouts; rescind its draconian emergency laws; and free all Kashmiri political leaders.Mr. President,To divert the world’s attention from its brutalities, India frequently violates the ceasefire along the Line of Control in Kashmir. Despite over 600 violations since January this year Pakistan has acted with restraint. But if India does venture across the LoC, or acts upon its doctrine of “limited” war against Pakistan, it will evoke a strong and matching response.The international community must act decisively to prevent the situation from a dangerous escalation.Mr. President,The Kashmir dispute should be resolved justly, peacefully and expeditiously. As India is unwilling to resume the peace process with Pakistan, we call on the Security Council to fulfill its obligation to secure the implementation of its own resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir.To this end, the UN Secretary-General should appoint a Special Envoy on Jammu and Kashmir. His mandate should flow from the longstanding but unimplemented resolutions of the Security Council.Mr. President,Let me reiterate, Pakistan remains open to resuming a comprehensive dialogue with India to address all outstanding issues, especially Jammu and Kashmir, and discuss measures to maintain peace and security. This dialogue must be accompanied by an end to India’s campaign of subversion and state-sponsored terrorism against Pakistan, including from across our western border.Mr. President,Apart from the people of Afghanistan, Pakistan and its people have suffered the most from four decades of foreign intervention and civil wars in Afghanistan. These wars have blighted our country with the flow of extremists and terrorists, guns and drugs as well as an influx of millions of refugees. They have set back our economic development by decades. Even today, Pakistan is host to over 3 million Afghan refugees. No one desires peace in Afghanistan more than Pakistan.From 16 years of the ongoing war in Afghanistan, it is clear that peace will not be restored by the continuing resort to military force. Neither Kabul and the Coalition, nor the Afghan Taliban, can impose a military solution on each other. The international community – as expressed in several United Nations resolutions – has concluded that peace can be restored in Afghanistan only through a negotiated settlement.Having suffered and sacrificed so much due to our role in the global counter-terrorism campaign it is especially galling for Pakistan to be blamed for the military or political stalemate in Afghanistan. We are not prepared to be anyone’s scapegoat. Taliban “safe havens” are located not in Pakistan but in the large tracts of territory controlled by the Taliban in Afghanistan.Yes, cross border attacks do occur. These are mostly conducted by anti-Pakistan terrorists from “safe havens” across the border. To end all cross border attacks we ask the Afghan government and the Coalition to support and complement Pakistan’s ongoing efforts to strengthen border controls and monitor all movement across it.What Pakistan is not prepared to do is to fight the Afghan war on Pakistan’s soil. Nor can we endorse any failed strategy that will prolong and intensify the suffering of the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan and other regional countries.Pakistan believes that the urgent and realistic goals in Afghanistan should be: One, concerted action to eliminate the presence in Afghanistan of Daesh, Al-Qaeda and their affiliates, including the TTP and Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, which was recently declared a terrorist organization by the Security Council.Two, promote negotiations between Kabul and the Afghan Taliban – in the Quadrilateral Coordination Group (QCG) or any trilateral format – to evolve a peaceful settlement in Afghanistan.These two steps offer the most realistic prospect of restoring peace and stability in Afghanistan and our region.Mr. President,Pakistan’s counter-terrorism credentials cannot be questioned. After 9/11 it was Pakistani efforts that enabled the decimation of Al-Qaeda. Pakistan’s military campaigns have succeeded in clearing our tribal areas of almost all militant groups.We took the war to the terrorists. We have paid a heavy price. Over 27,000 Pakistanis including 6,500 military and law enforcement personnel have been martyred by terrorists. 50,000 Pakistani nationals have been injured, including 15,000 army personnel, many of whom have lost their limbs.Mr. President,We have fought the war against terror with our own resources. Pakistan’s economic losses are estimated at over $120 billion. Yet, we remain committed to fully implementing our National Action Plan against terrorism and extremism. Defeating terrorist violence is vital to realize our overriding priority of rapid economic and social development.Mr. President,Terrorism is now a global phenomenon, which must be addressed comprehensively. We see two major gaps in the global counter-terrorism strategy. First, the international community has failed to address the issue of state sponsored terrorism. This is an instrument of choice of the agents of chaos and aspiring hegemons. In several regions, stability will be difficult to restore unless State sponsored terrorism is condemned, prohibited and punished.Second, to eliminate terrorism, its root causes must be addressed. These are not only poverty and ignorance; terrorism is even more an extreme response to real or perceived political and other grievances, including foreign intervention, oppression and injustice. Unless such root causes are addressed, it will be difficult to counter the twisted narrative of terrorist groups.Mr. President,Confronted by a hostile and increasingly militarized neighbor, Pakistan has been obliged to maintain the capability for credible deterrence. My country developed nuclear weapons only when these were introduced in our region by this neighbor. Our strategic assets are vital to deter oft-threatened aggression. They are tightly and effectively controlled, as has been widely acknowledged by experts. The world community would be well served by enabling Pakistan to join global non-proliferation arrangements, such as the Nuclear Suppliers Group on a non-discriminatory basis.Mr. President,Climate change poses a new and existential threat to mankind’s future. Extreme climate events are multiplying: Their consequences – flooding in Texas, landslides in Nepal and Sierra Leone, devastation in the Caribbean and Puerto Rico, disappearing Himalayan glaciers – are global and indiscriminate. As one of the most vulnerable states to climate change, we believe that it is in our collective interest to pursue and realize the goals of the Paris Agreement and build a new and greener model for growth and development.Mr. President,Growth and development remain the primary objectives of the developing countries. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals represent the most ambitious development agenda in history. The development challenge has become even more imposing due to the combined constraints of climate change, rising protectionism, fraying international cooperation and proliferation of conflicts.The vision of shared growth – spelt out in Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road initiative – offers a solid path to prosperity and a model of South-South cooperation worthy of emulation.Mr. President,Pakistan’s economy has recorded a remarkable revival in the past four years. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) will further contribute to our economic upsurge. This will expand exponentially as the Pakistan-China partnership extends beyond energy and transportation to many other sectors.Pakistan’s integration into the Eurasian Belt and Road network will provide a firm foundation for Pakistan’s rapid economic development. With a youthful population of 207 million people, we are confident that an economic strategy anchored on rising incomes, consumption and production will propel Pakistan towards greater prosperity.To achieve these priority goals for our people, Pakistan seeks to build peace within our country and security around our borders. We seek good relations with all States on the basis of sovereign equality. We will respond positively to all offers of friendship and cooperation.Mr. President,We are poised at a critical inflection point in history. The world order that has prevented a global war for over 70 years is under threat. Yet, revolutionary advances in science and technology, the immense capacity for global investment, production, consumption and trade, especially in the developing countries, and the availability of structures and mechanisms for collective action offer an opportunity, unprecedented in human history, to address the diverse challenges that we face today. It is here, through the United Nations, that the peoples of the world can seize the opportunities to achieve our common vision of a more just, peaceful and prosperous world.I thank you, Mr. President.

Pakistan paid a heavy price in war against terrorism: PM Abbasi


UNITED NATIONS (Dunya News/Agencies) - Addressing the 72th session of the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday, Prime Minister Shahid Khan Abbasi said that the world faces various challenges today including security.He said that renewed East-West tensions may engulf Europe in another Cold War. Peace and prosperity in Asia is threatened by emerging big power friction and rising tensions in South, East and West Asia.Abbasi said that the Middle East is wracked by war and violence – in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and elsewhere. Although Daesh appears to have been weakened in Iraq and Syria, terrorist violence has spread and intensified across the Middle East and Africa and other parts of the world.“There is no end in sight to the tragedy of Palestine. Israel’s prolonged occupation and expansion of illegal settlements may lead to renewed and wider violence in the Holy Land,” he said.PM Abbasi said that the ethnic cleansing of Rohingyas is not just an affront to all norms of humanity but also challenges our collective conscience.Raising the Kashmir issue at the UNGA, PM Abbasi said that the legitimate struggle for self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir continues to be brutally suppressed by India’s occupation forces.“Unfortunately, from day one of its creation, Pakistan has faced unremitting hostility from its eastern neighbor. India refuses to implement the unanimous resolutions of the UN Security Council, which mandate a UN supervised plebiscite to enable the people of Jammu and Kashmir to freely decide their destiny,” he said.“Instead India has deployed nearly 700,000 troops in Occupied Kashmir to suppress the legitimate struggle of the Kashmiris to exercise their right to self-determination. This is the most intense foreign military occupation in recent history,” PM Abbasi said.He further said that as in the past, today the Kashmiri people are waging a heroic and popular struggle to rid themselves of India’s oppressive rule. They come out in the streets daily to call on India to leave Jammu and Kashmir.The Prime Minister said that India has responded with massive and indiscriminate force to suppress the Kashmiris, shooting indiscriminately at children, women and youth. Hundreds of innocent Kashmiris have been killed or injured. Shotgun pellets have blinded and maimed thousands of Kashmiris including children. These and other brutalities clearly constitute war crimes and violate the Geneva Conventions.He said that Pakistan demands an international investigation into India’s crimes in Occupied Kashmir. We ask that the United Nations Secretary-General and the High Commissioner for Human Rights send an inquiry Commission to Occupied Kashmir to verify the nature and extent of India’s human rights violations, secure the punishment of those responsible, and provide justice and relief to the victims.He further said that Pakistan also urges the international community to call on India to: halt pellet gun attacks and other violence against unarmed demonstrators; stop the use of rape as an instrument of state policy; end media blackouts; rescind its draconian emergency laws; and free all Kashmiri political leaders.PM Abbasi said that India frequently violates the ceasefire along the Line of Control in Kashmir to divert the world’s attention from its brutalities. Despite over 600 violations since January this year Pakistan has acted with restraint. But if India does venture across the LoC, or acts upon its doctrine of “limited” war against Pakistan, it will evoke a strong and matching response.He said that the international community must act decisively to prevent the situation from a dangerous escalation.“The Kashmir dispute should be resolved justly, peacefully and expeditiously. As India is unwilling to resume the peace process with Pakistan, we call on the Security Council to fulfil its obligation to secure the implementation of its own resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir,” Abbasi said.He said that Pakistan remains open to resuming a comprehensive dialogue with India to address all outstanding issues, especially Jammu and Kashmir, and discuss measures to maintain peace and security. This dialogue must be accompanied by an end to India’s campaign of subversion and state-sponsored terrorism against Pakistan, including from across our western border.The prime minister said that apart from the people of Afghanistan, Pakistan and its people have suffered the most from four decades of foreign intervention and civil wars in Afghanistan.These wars have blighted our country with the flow of extremists and terrorists, guns and drugs as well as an influx of millions of refugees. They have set back our economic development by decades. Even today, Pakistan is host to over 3 million Afghan refugees. No one desires peace in Afghanistan more than Pakistan, he said.From 16 years of the ongoing war in Afghanistan, it is clear that peace will not be restored by the continuing resort to military force. Neither Kabul and the Coalition, nor the Afghan Taliban, can impose a military solution on each other. The international community – as expressed in several United Nations resolutions – has concluded that peace can be restored in Afghanistan only through a negotiated settlement.He said that having suffered and sacrificed so much due to our role in the global counter-terrorism campaign it is especially galling for Pakistan to be blamed for the military or political stalemate in Afghanistan. We are not prepared to be anyone’s scapegoat. Taliban “safe havens” are located not in Pakistan but in the large tracts of territory controlled by the Taliban in Afghanistan.“Yes, cross border attacks do occur. These are mostly conducted by anti-Pakistan terrorists from “safe havens” across the border. To end all cross border attacks we ask the Afghan government and the Coalition to support and complement Pakistan’s ongoing efforts to strengthen border controls and monitor all movement across it,” he said.“What Pakistan is not prepared to do is to fight the Afghan war on Pakistan’s soil. Nor can we endorse any failed strategy that will prolong and intensify the suffering of the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan and other regional countries,” PM Abbasi said.Prime Minister said that Pakistan’s counter-terrorism credentials cannot be questioned. After 9/11 it was Pakistani efforts that enabled the decimation of Al-Qaeda. Pakistan’s military campaigns have succeeded in clearing our tribal areas of almost all militant groups.PM Abbasi said that we took the war to the terrorists. We have paid a heavy price. Over 27,000 Pakistanis including 6,500 military and law enforcement personnel have been martyred by terrorists. 50,000 Pakistani nationals have been injured, including 15,000 army personnel, many of whom have lost their limbs.He said that we have fought the war against terror with our own resources. Pakistan’s economic losses are estimated at over $120 billion. Yet, we remain committed to fully implementing our National Action Plan against terrorism and extremism. Defeating terrorist violence is vital to realize our overriding priority of rapid economic and social development.

Musharraf and his cronies behind Benazirs murder: Aseefa Bhutto


KARACHI (Dunya News) - Aseefa Bhutto Zardari lashed out at former president Pervez Musharraf on Thursday for accusing Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari of being directly involved in the assassination of Benazir and Murtaza Bhutto and dubbed former military ruler as murderer.“Let me state this quite clearly. Musharraf and his lapdog cronies in the establishment and the army are responsible for BBs murder,” Aseefa tweeted.She said that Musharraf was behind the assassination of Benazir Bhutto and now he is blaming the victim.She also criticized media houses for giving undue coverage to Musharraf. “Disgusted & appalled by media houses that are giving attention to this murderer, who ran away. Shame ArrestMusharraf,” Aseefa stated in another tweet.

Dera Bugti: FC, intelligence agencies destroy two Ferrari camps


DERA BUGTI (Dunya News) - Frontier Corps (FC) and intelligence agencies personnel conducted a joint operation on a tip-off in Chabdar area near Dera Bugti on Thursday and destroyed two Ferrari camps, Dunya News reported.Sources informed that the camps belonged to banned terrorist organization Baloch Republican Army (BRA).FC and intelligence agencies also recovered huge cache of arms from the Ferrari camps including 13,500 bullets of submachine gun (SMG).

Bat cracks replace gunfire in former Taliban stronghold


MIRANSHAH (AFP) - Thousands of cricket fans cheered on their favourite stars and waved signs proclaiming: We want peace at an international exhibition T20 match Thursday in the former Taliban stronghold of Miranshah, as authorities proudly showcased the area as free of militants.The friendly match between a Pakistan XI, made up of several former cricketing giants, and a visiting amateur UK XI in the countrys restive tribal belt comes weeks after US President Donald Trump blasted Islamabad, accusing the ally of supporting militant safe havens in the region.Stretched along the Afghan border, North Waziristans Miranshah was once a de facto Taliban state that hosted foreign jihadists including leading figures from Al-Qaeda and served as a launching pad for attacks into Afghanistan.But in 2014 the Pakistan army launched a clearance operation in the tribal district to wipe out militant bases and bring an end to a bloody insurgency that has cost thousands of lives since 2004 and strained ties with Washington.Leading former Pakistan cricket legends Shahid Afridi and Inzamam-ul-Haq took to the lush pitch to the roaring approval of more than 20,000 fans, who had been massing since early in the morning for the rare chance to see a form of international cricket played live.It feels like Im in Gaddafi stadium in Lahore or in Islamabad today. It doesnt feel like the old Miranshah infested by the militants, said Fahimullah, a 31-year-old school teacher.Batting first, Pakistan scored 254 runs in the 20-over match, with the UK batsmen struggling to reach 121 for seven wickets.There was some confusion between players and scorers over the precise final figures.Alex Massie, a player for the UK side, tweeted that Pakistan lost only one wicket, confirming that his side lost seven.I nearly got Inzaman out caught behind, he said.An astonishing, magical time, he added. What a place to visit.Pakistans former captain Inzamam and the immensely popular Afridi hit some towering sixes and brisk boundaries leading their team to victory against the British side.Afridi said he had never imagined he would ever visit Miranshah, but added: I was very excited to go there and play -- and with the grace of God, I am here.He added the match would send a message to the world that all of Pakistan was safe for international cricket and security had greatly improved.Fans also seemed impressed.I have not seen such a big match here before today, said schoolboy Faizan Khan.We could not go out earlier because of Taliban. The situation was very bad then, but now they have disappeared, I dont know where have they gone.

Windies wait on injured birthday boy Gayle


NOTTINGHAM (AFP) - West Indies were left waiting to discover the full extent of Chris Gayles hamstring injury after the star batsman spent part of his 38th birthday having scans in a Nottingham hospital on Thursday.The big-hitting opener was ruled out shortly before the toss in Thursdays second one-day international against England at Trent Bridge after damaging his right hamstring.To compound West Indies frustration at Gayles injury, it turned out he had been warming up for a meaningless no result.Only 2.2 overs were possible, with England 21 without loss before rain stopped play after a mere 11 minutes action.The rain never relented and, several hours later, the umpires abandoned the match.West Indies have yet to find out if Gayle will be fit for the third of a five-match series at Bristol on Sunday.Chris has been for scans, West Indies coach Stuart Law told reporters. We dont know the results of them just yet.But he tweaked a hamstring in the warm-up.Well monitor him and see how hes going for Bristol.He said he didnt want to risk it -- which is fair enough.The former Australia batsman added: If you do a hamstring at 38 its going to take longer than when youre 18, so well err on the side of caution.Gayle only recently arrived in Britain for the limited-overs leg of the tour, having missed West Indies 2-1 Test series loss to England.He effectively made himself ineligible for selection by not playing first-class cricket in the Caribbean, having become a well-paid globe-trotting star of the Twenty20 game.Gayle struck a typically dynamic 40 off 21 balls, including three fours and four sixes, as West Indies beat England by 21 runs in the lone Twenty20 of their tour in Durham last Saturday -- a repeat of their World Twenty20 final win in Kolkata last year.Gayle followed up with a brisk 37 before he holed out in the first ODI at Old Trafford on Tuesday, a match West Indies lost by seven wickets.He appeared to pull up sharply after going for a quick single but fielded for the duration of Englands run chase at the Manchester ground.He said he felt something the other night, explained Law. But he didnt make a big deal of it -- he fielded for all of Englands innings.Meanwhile England captain Eoin Morgan insisted he felt no great relief at seeing powerful Jamaica left-hander Gayles name missing from a Windies team sheet that still included such talented top-order batsmen as Evin Lewis, Shai Hope and Marlon Samuels.As I mentioned at the start of the series, the West Indies are probably a threat more as a group than any individual they have within their team, said Morgan.Just because theyre missing one player, it doesnt mean well take them any more lightly in any game.Tuesdays defeat meant West Indies, the two-time former champions, could no longer gain direct entry to the 2019 World Cup in Britain and will have to enter a qualifying competition instead.

Morgan promises no let-up for England's Ashes stars in ODIs


NOTTINGHAM (AFP) - England captain Eoin Morgan has said his side are prepared to run an Ashes injury-risk with several key players by fielding their best team throughout the one-day international series against West Indies.Ben Stokes was rested from the lone Twenty20 international of the tour which West Indies -- the World Twenty20 champions -- won at Chester-le-Street last Saturday.But Morgan ruled out similar treatment for any of the Test stars taking part in the ODI campaign, even though the Ashes tour of Australia starts in just over a months time.Joe Root, Englands Test captain, Jonny Bairstow, Moeen Ali and Stokes were all included in the side for Thursdays abandoned second ODI at Trent Bridge.And Morgan made it clear that Ashes-holders England had no intention of resting any of the quartet in the remaining three games of a five-match series.Were going to play our best team in this series, said Morgan.We feel given they will have the whole of October off, we have planned for this pretty much since the lead-in to the Champions Trophy after which all them were rested for the South Africa T20 series barring Jonny Bairstow, who was playing for an opportunity more than anything else.This has been Englands longest international home season, having started with a one-day international against Morgans native Ireland in Bristol on May 5.For players such as Root and Stokes, mainstays in all three formats, it has been a particularly hard campaign, with the season incorporating the Champions Trophy one-day tournament and seven Tests -- four against South Africa and three with West Indies.But Morgan was confident Englands multi-format men would have plenty of time to rest up ahead of the first Test against Australia in Brisbane starting on November 23.All the guys have the month of October off and then obviously a long winters tour of Australia where at the back end of that there could be an opportunity in the T20 tri-series where potentially we can take a look at guys being rested, Morgan said.Thursdays match lasted a mere 2.2 overs before rain stopped play and eventually led the umpires to call the game off as a no-result.Rain delayed the start of Tuesdays series-opener in Manchester by two hours, with England going on to win a match reduced to 42 overs per side by seven wickets.Morgan, however, was comfortable playing international cricket in England this late in September.I think given the nature of the amount of cricket weve had this summer were forced to play a bit later than we would normally, but thats been the schedule for a while, he said.

Bangladesh star Tamim injured in South Africa warm-up


BENONI (AFP) - Bangladesh opening batsman Tamim Iqbal was forced to retire hurt with a thigh muscle injury, after facing just 13 balls on the first day of his teams three-day match against a South African Invitation XI at Willowmoore Park on Thursday.Bangladesh made 306 for seven declared after winning the toss. The Invitation XI were 21 for one at the close.Tamim, a veteran of 51 Tests and the teams all-time leading run-scorer, made five runs before leaving the field in the fifth over.Team manager Minhazul Nanna said the batsman had suffered a strained right thigh muscle. He left the field as a precaution and his condition would be assessed on Friday following a scan.Bangladesh are already without leading all-rounder Shakib Al Hasan, who is being rested from the two-Test series against South Africa which starts next Thursday.Mominul Haque, captain Mushfiqur Rahim and Sabbir Rahman made half-centuries for the tourists but Mahmudullah, who is hoping to make a comeback to the Test side after being dropped earlier this year, was out first ball to 19-year-old fast bowler Michael Cohen, who took four for 23.Scores in brief: Bangladeshis 306-7 declared (Soumya Sarkar 43, Imrul Kayes 34, Mominul Haque 68, Mushfiqur Rahim 63, Sabbir Rahman 58 not out; Michael Cohen 4-23). SA Invitation XI 21-1.

Ashes candidate Hameed breaks finger


LONDON (AFP) - Haseeb Hameed, a contender for Englands Ashes tour to Australia, suffered a fractured finger batting for Lancashire against Middlesex at Lords on Thursday.We can confirm that @LancsCCC opener Haseeb Hameed has fractured a finger on his right hand at Lords, said a statement on Lancashires Twitter feed after close of play in their County Championship match.The opener retired hurt after being struck on the glove by James Harris on the third day of the First Division match.Hameeds injury came just two days after Middlesex seamer Toby Roland-Jones, a likely candidate for a place in the Ashes squad, suffered a lower back problem requiring scans to discover the full extent of the damage.The 20-year-old Hameed had to fly home early from Englands tour of India late last year for an operation on a broken left hand.He has yet to add to the three Test caps he won in India following a poor start to the domestic county season.But with England still having several doubts over top order positions, Hameed has been touted to be included in the Ashes-holders squad for a five-Test series starting in November.Thursday saw Hameed resume his innings in a bid to stave off defeat but he was left not out as Middlesex completed a 36-run win with England paceman Steven Finn taking 8-79.Victory boosts the champions hopes of retaining their place among the elite -- a win over fellow relegation rivals Somerset, who finished runners-up last season, would ensure their survival.With only three bowlers it was important we all stood up, said Finn, a member of three previous Ashes-winning sides.We stuck to our plans and that paid dividends.It was a big game for the club. We came into it really needing the points. And it was about time I did something for the boys this season. I felt I bowled pretty consistently.Englands selectors now face an anxious wait to discover the extent of Hameeds injury, with the Ashes squad due to be announced next week.

England-West Indies second ODI abandoned


NOTTINGHAM (Agencies) - The second of five One-Day Internationals between England and West Indies at Trent Bridge was called off after just 14 deliveries of action because of persistent rain at Trent Bridge on Thursday.The no-result left the series scoreline 1-0 in England’s favour, after the home side won the first game, played at Old Trafford, by seven wickets with Jonny Bairstow scoring his maiden ODI century.Only 11 minutes of play was possible on the day before rain arrived and Rob Bailey and Rod Tucker, the umpires, took the players off the field with England 21 without loss in 2.2 overs after being sent in to bat by Jason Holder, the Windies captain.Jonny Bairstow was on nine with Alex Hales on 10 when the players went off.As it transpired, they never came back on with the rain never letting up for long enough. Several hours later, shortly before 4.15pm local time, the match was called off.Earlier, the West Indies went into the match without Chris Gayle on his 38th birthday. The big-hitting opening batsman had suffered a hamstring strain while warming up shortly before the toss, and was ruled out as a result at the last minute.Kyle Hope replaced Gayle in West Indies’ XI, with Gayle set to undergo precautionary scans.The defeat in the first ODI had put West Indies out of the reckoning for a direct berth in the ICC Cricket World Cup 2019, which will also take place in the United Kingdom.The West Indies needed to win the series 5-0 or 4-0 with a no-result to overtake Sri Lanka before the September 30 cut-off date, and must now play the qualifiers next year to try and still make it to the marquee event.The series will continue with the third game in Bristol on Sunday.

PM Abbasi hands UN Secretary-General dossier on atrocities in Kashmir


NEW YORK (Dunya News) – Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi met United Nations Secretary-General Anotonio Guterres in New York City and raised Kashmir issue during the meeting, reported Dunya News.During the meeting Prime Minister raised the issue of Kashmir in front of António Guterres. Abbasi gave a dossier regarding the atrocities carried out by Indian security forces in Kashmir. He also demanded that UN Secretary-General should appoint special representative for Kashmir. He further complained that India has closed negotiation doors with Pakistan.Prime Minister also told UN Secretary-General about the frequent and unprovoked violations of cease fire agreement by India. He said that India violated the cease fire agreement 600 times. He said that even today four citizen in Azad Kashmir due to Indian firing.

Yadav hat-trick gives India big win in 2nd ODI against Australia


KOLKATA (AFP) - Kuldeep Yadavs maiden hat-trick and a fluent 92 by Virat Kohli helped India cruise to a 50-run win over Australia in the second one-day international in Kolkata on Thursday.Yadav once again combined with fellow wrist spinner Yuzvendra Chahal to dismiss the visitors for 202 in 43.1 overs while chasing 253 and earn India a 2-0 lead in the five-match series.Left-arm wrist spinner Yadav and fast bowler Bhuvneshwar Kumar claimed three wickets each while Chahal and paceman Hadik Pandya took two each.But it was Kohli and Ajinkya Rahane, who scored 55, who laid the foundation for the victory with their 102-run second-wicket partnership that made India post 252 all out.We didnt feel like we had enough on the board at the break. But we knew if we had a good start we (would) have a good chance of defending it, said Kohli, who received the man of the match award.Bhuvis (Kumar) spell became even more important because we knew the wrist-spinners would do damage in the middle. The deliveries he got the batsmen out with were unplayable.Kohli added: You can count on Bhuvi for getting the breakthroughs. Two young spinners bowling with a lot of heart, speaks volumes about their characters.Kumar struck early after removing the two Australian openers, including David Warner for one, in an inspired first spell that lasted six overs.Skipper Steve Smith, who made 59, and Travis Head then forged a 76-run partnership as the duo tried to steady the innings by counter attacking the Indian bowlers.But the introduction of spin once again proved troublesome for the visitors with leg-spinner Chahal sending back Head, for 39, and then the big-hitting Glenn Maxwell, for 14.Maxwell, who looked threatening with two sixes during his brief stay, was stumped by wicketkeeper Mahendra Singh Dhoni who was quick to clip the bails off.Smith though carried on the good work to register a gritty 50 in his 100th ODI but the delight was short lived after he fell to paceman Hardik Pandya.- Yadav strikes -Yadav, playing just his ninth ODI, then turned on the heat with his triple strike in the 33rd over that spelt doom for the visitors.He got wicketkeeper-batsman Matthew Wade (2), Ashton Agar (0) and Pat Cummins (0) to become only the third Indian after pacemen Chetan Sharma and Kapil Dev to record an ODI hat-trick.Marcus Stoinis remained unbeaten on 62, but his valiant knock came too late in the day as Kumar, who returned figures of 3-9 in his 6.1 overs, wiped up the tail.We were pretty happy with 250, thought we pulled things back pretty well. Did a really good job there. Batters though made poor decisions, and you cant do that against a quality team like India, said Smith.Stoinis was good at the end there, just needed someone to bat with. One of the top four needs to go on and make a hundred, he added.Earlier fast bowlers Nathan Coulter-Nile and Kane Richardson claimed three wickets each to pull things back for the visitors after India started off strongly.Pandya and Kumar also scored 20 each to add valuable runs to the total with their 35-run seventh-wicket partnership.There was also a bit of drama in the 48th over of the Indian innings when Pandya was caught off a no-ball, but Smith ran him out only to see the batsman walking off the ground following a slight drizzle.Smith and company tried to argue with the on-field umpires for their run out call but in vain.The third match is scheduled for Sunday in Indore.

SHC orders to re-open Karachis Ayesha Bawany College after 7 days


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Sindh High Court on Tuesday suspended the order given by a lower court and ordered re-opening of Karachi’s Ayesha Bawany College, reported.Students and teachers were ecstatic over the decision as they had gathered in the vicinity of the college. The college was reopened after seven days. Students raised slogans in favor of Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah. On Thursday afternoon, Sindh High court official came to the college and broke the lock placed on it door. They also cut the grill that was welded through the Trust entrance.A lower court had on Friday ordered to seal this college after it was found that a sum of Rs. 8500,000 had not been paid by the school administration to the Secretary Education and Coordinator Officer District. Sindh Chief Minister congratulated the students and teachers on the reopening of the institute.

Pakistan ready to work with Trump administration: PM Abbasi


NEWYORK (Dunya News) – While giving an interview to US television channel CNN, Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said that Pakistan is ready to work with US President Donald Trump administration against terrorism, reported Dunya News.While talking about Pakistan-United States deteriorating relations, Abbasi said that relations between Pakistan and US span for 70 years. The relationships between both countries have faced ups and downs in the past too. “We don’t expect US change its policy for Pakistan,” he said.While answering a question about India, Abbasi said that India poses a threat to Pakistan’s sovereignty. Prime Minister further said that we would want to work with US in every department.

Faryal says she wants a fresh start with Amir Khan


(Web Desk) – Faryal Makhdoom has announced that she wants to reconcile her marriage with boxer Amir Khan after the two had an embarrassing Twitter brawl and decided to part ways.She took to Twitter and communicated to her fans that she wishes for a fresh start with Amir and doesnt want their children, daughter and unborn child, to live in a broken home. Faryal has even apologised to Amirs parents which had terrible effect on the couple. My mother and father in law are the elders of our family and as such deserve love and respect as much as my own parents do, she stated.In the long message, she admitted to regretting whatever happened in past and assured that she didnt really mean any of the things uttered in anger. She acknowledged that it has been difficult for both of them, adding that her husband has remained out of the ring for a long time and their fights havent helped him in his career.We all make mistakes; we are only human after all, Faryal tweeted. My daughter and unborn child do not deserve a broken home … it is time to put our differences behind us, and start afreshThe 26-year-old model believes that all families go through tough times, but their case was played out so publicly.Amir Khan reacted to the tweet by a series of his own in which he reaffirmed that the couple will go on with the divorce. He wished all the best to Faryal and said he will always look after their daughter Lamaisah. We (he and Faryal) are still going ahead with the divorce. We are in good talking terms, he said. Meanwhile, Faryal deleted her tweets after cold response from Amir.


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