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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Dunya TV

Dunya TV

Eight Turkish soldiers killed in deadliest PKK attack


ISTANBUL (AFP) - Eight Turkish soldiers were killed on Wednesday in the deadliest attack by Kurdish militants since the government began an anti-terror offensive last month, as the country battles its most serious security and political crises in years.An honour guard on duty outside the fabled Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul was also attacked by suspected Marxist militants, with the country on edge after a wave of attacks in the last month. Turkey is meanwhile still without a permanent government after inconclusive June 7 elections and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the country was now swiftly heading to snap polls.The political and security instability has unnerved investors, with the embattled Turkish lira plunging to fresh lows against the dollar on another bruising day.The eight soldiers were killed by remote-controlled explosive device laid by militants on a road in the Silvan district of the province of Siirt, the army said.The army blamed the Separatist Terror Organisation, its customary phrase for the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) which it never refers to by name.In apparent retaliation, Turkish-F16 war planes launched evening air raids on caves and shelters of the PKK in the region of Karacali right on the border between Turkey and northern Iraq, the official Anatolia news agency reported.Turkey in late July launched a dual anti-terror offensive against Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria and the PKK following a suicide bombing in the town of Suruc blamed on IS that killed 33.But the campaign has overwhelmingly focused on the Kurdish militants, who have ripped up a 2013 ceasefire to launch daily attacks against the Turkish security forces.Including the latest fatalities, around 50 members of the security forces have been killed in attacks blamed on the PKK over the past month, although Wednesdays strike was by far the deadliest single incident.The flare up in violence comes with Turkey in an unprecedented political impasse after June 7 elections where Erdogans ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) lost its overall majority for the first time since coming to power in 2002.Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglus coalition talks with the opposition failed, leaving the country facing a snap repeat election for the first time in its history.Erdogan, who critics accuse of seeking fresh polls all along in the hope of the AKP winning more votes, for the first time openly acknowledged that early elections were on the way.We are once again swiftly heading towards an election, Erdogan said in a televised speech in Ankara, adding that the only solution in the current political impasse was turning to the will of the nation.He vowed that the government would press on with its anti-terror campaign and said people had to choose whether to be on the side of the state or a terror organisation.You will make the choice. If we are going to die, we will die once but die like a man, he said. The hard-right Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), which came third in the polls, meanwhile called in a doom-laden statement for martial law to be imposed in the area hit by the violence and elections to be postponed.Otherwise we could be faced with an inevitable, bloody civil war, its leader Devlet Bahceli said in a statement. Turkey is slipping away from our hands.Two militants earlier Wednesday launched an attack with guns and explosives on the Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul, one of Turkeys main tourist attractions which also houses offices of Davutoglu, the Istanbul authorities said.The two attackers -- carrying two hand grenades, an automatic rifle, a gun and other ammunition -- were caught by police, the statement said, adding that there were no fatalities.One policeman was reported to have been lightly wounded.There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, but Anatolia news agency said the suspects were members of the radical left wing Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Front (DHKP-C). The group claimed a similar attack on the Dolmabahce Palace on January 1 where two grenades were hurled at guards which failed to explode.The attacks and the political uncertainty added to pressure on the Turkish lira, which has lost 10.44 percent in value against the US dollar in just a month and 26 percent since the start of the year.The lira hit a new low of 2.94 against the dollar, a loss of 1.69 percent in value and edging ever closer to the crucial 3.0 lira ceiling.

IS beheads elderly ex-antiquities chief in Syria's Palmyra


BEIRUT (AFP) - The Islamic State group beheaded the 82-year-old retired chief archaeologist of Palmyra after he refused to leave the ancient city, Syrias antiquities chief said.A UNESCO World Heritage site famed for well-preserved Greco-Roman ruins, Palmyra was seized from government forces in May, fuelling fears the IS jihadists might destroy its priceless heritage as it had done in other parts of Syria and Iraq.Syrian antiquities chief Maamoun Abdulkarim told AFP he had urged Khaled al-Assaad to leave Palmyra, but he had refused.He told us: I am from Palmyra and I will stay here even if they kill me.Abdulkarim said Assaad was murdered execution-style on Tuesday afternoon in Palmyra, in central Homs province.Daesh has executed one of Syrias most important antiquities experts, he said, using an Arabic acronym for IS.Photos purporting to show Assaads body tied to a post in Palmyra were circulated online by IS supporters.The killing is one of hundreds that have been carried out by IS in and around Palmyra since they took the city. The United States, France and UNESCO voiced outrage over Assaads death.He was the head of antiquities in Palmyra for 50 years and had been retired for 13 years, Abdulkarim said.He hailed Assaad as a leading expert on the ancient history of the city, which grew from a caravan oasis first mentioned in the second millennium BC.He spoke and read Palmyrene, and we would turn to him when we received stolen statues from the police and he would determine if they were real or fake.Abdulkarim said Assaads body had been hung in the citys ancient ruins after being beheaded.But the photo circulating online showed a body on a median strip of a main road, tied to what appeared to be a lamp post.A sign attached to the body identified it as that of Assaad.It accused him of being an apostate and a regime loyalist for representing Syria in conferences abroad with infidels, as well as being director of Palmyras idols. It also claimed he had been in contact with regime officials.Abdulkarim said Assaad had been detained by IS last month along with his son Walid, the current antiquities director for Palmyra, who was later released.He said the jihadists were looking for stores of gold in the city.I deny wholeheartedly that these stores exist, Abdulkarim said.The whole family is truly remarkable. (Assaads) other son Mohammed and his son-in-law Khalil actively participated in the rescue of 400 antiquities as the town was being taken over by the jihadists, he said.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitor, also reported the death, saying Assaad had been killed in a public square in Palmyra in front of dozens of people.UNESCOS director general, Irina Bokova, said she was both saddened and outraged to learn of the brutal murder, adding that they killed him because he would not betray his deep commitment to Palmyra.His work will live on far beyond the reach of these extremists. They murdered a great man, but they will never silence history.The killing also prompted condemnation from French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, who said Assaad had worked with numerous French archaeological missions over the years.This barbaric murder joins a long list of crimes committed over the past four years in Syria, he said in a statement, calling for those responsible to be brought to justice.In Washington, State Department spokesman John Kirby decried the brutal, gruesome murder.IS captured Palmyra on May 21, prompting international concern about the fate of the citys antiquities.The IS groups harsh vision of Islam considers statues and grave markers to be idolatrous, and the group has destroyed antiquities and heritage sites in other territory under its control in Syria and Iraq.These attempts to erase Syrias rich history will ultimately fail, Kirby said in Washington.So far, Palmyras most famous sites have been left intact, though there are reports IS has mined them, and the group reportedly destroyed a famous statue of a lion outside the citys museum in June.Most of the pieces in the museum were evacuated by antiquities staff before IS arrived, though the group has blown up several historic Muslim graves.IS has also executed hundreds of people in the city and surrounding area, many of them government employees.The group also infamously used child members to shoot dead 25 Syrian government soldiers in Palmyras ancient amphitheatre.

IS says American suicide bomber carried out Iraq attack


BAGHDAD (AFP) - The Islamic State jihadist group said Wednesday that an American was among four suicide bombers who carried out attacks against Iraqi security forces in the Baiji area north of Baghdad.IS, which has been battling Iraqi forces for control of Baiji for months, said in an online statement that Abu Abdullah al-Amriki detonated an explosives-rigged four-by-four near the town.The other three attackers -- two Tajiks and an Iraqi -- blew up other explosives-rigged vehicles in the Baiji area, the jihadist group said, without specifying when the attacks took place.IS has drawn in thousands of foreign recruits, including from Europe and the United States.The jihadist group said another American carried out a suicide bombing against Iraqi forces fighting to retake the city of Tikrit earlier this year.IS launched a devastating offensive in June 2014, sweeping security forces aside and overrunning around a third of the country.Baghdads forces have since regained significant ground north of the capital from IS, but much of western Iraq remain outside government control.

UN aid chief slams 'unacceptable' Saudi bombing of Yemen port


UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - The top United Nations aid official on Wednesday strongly criticized Saudi-led air strikes on the Yemen port of Hodeida, a lifeline for imports of food, medicine and fuel.These attacks are in clear contravention of international humanitarian law and are unacceptable, Stephen OBrien told the Security Council.The aid chief said he was extremely concerned that damage from the bombings could have a severe impact on the entire country, worsening the humanitarian crisis.Already 80 percent of Yemens population of 26 million are in desperate need of aid, and nearly 1.5 million have been driven from their homes in the nearly five-month war.Hodeida is controlled by the Iran-backed Shiite Huthi rebels who have been on the offensive for a year, driving President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi into exile in Saudi Arabia.In March, Saudi Arabia and its Arab partners launched an air war to restore Hadis authority.More than 4,300 people have died in the fighting including 400 children, according to UN figures.Returning from a visit to Yemen, OBrien said the scale of human suffering is almost incomprehensible.I was shocked by what I saw.OBrien said the United Nations was scaling up its operations to bring relief and that more international aid workers would be based outside of the capital Sanaa and Hodeida.The relief effort is hampered by a lack of funding, with only 18 percent of the $1.6 billion requested for Yemen raised so far, he said.The United Nations is seeking to negotiate an end to the fighting, but several attempts at brokering a humanitarian pause to allow deliveries of vital supplies have failed.OBrien appealed for a political solution to end the violence that he stressed was destroying the lives of millions of people in Yemen.Peace talks are critical before its too late. Otherwise there will be nothing left to fight for, he warned.

18th century treasure worth $4.5 mn found off Florida


MIAMI (AFP) - Treasure hunters off Florida found $4.5 million in gold coins from a Spanish ship that sunk during a hurricane in the 18th century, the salvage company said Wednesday.Ten galleons traveling from Havana to Spain went down off Floridas east coast, not far from Vero Beach, in the July 1715 storm. The vessel broke up and booty was flung far and wide.Over 350 gold coins including 9 Royals were recovered on July 30 & 31. This amazing recovery occurred on the actual 300th Anniversary of the wreck, Brent Brisben, the head of 1715 Fleet - Queens Jewels, said on Facebook.It was the second major find by the treasure hunters in recent months. In June, they found about 50 coins with a total of about $1 million.The latest coins found are extremely rare and are worth about $300,000 each, Brisben said.These Royals are perfect specimens of coinage of the time and they were made on royal order for the king of Spain, he explained.And we work extremely close to shore, which is surprising to most people, he said. These shipwrecks were pushed by the hurricane into the outer edge of the reef and then they were utterly destroyed by the wave action, so pieces of these ships have floated for miles all the way into the beach up into the dunes.Under US state law, the state of Florida gets 20 percent of the returns on treasure found off its coasts.

Obesity 'master-switch' in genes may be turned off: study


MIAMI (AFP) - Scientists have identified a genetic master-switch that makes some people more prone to obesity than others, and research out Wednesday suggests it can be turned off, possibly leading to weight loss.So far, researchers have been able to manipulate the genes of mice and human cells in the lab in order to reverse obesity, but the approach has not yet been tested in people.If future studies are successful, the method could offer a novel way to cure obesity, a major public health problem that experts say affects some 500 million people around the world and can lead to cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and cancer.Obesity has traditionally been seen as the result of an imbalance between the amount of food we eat and how much we exercise, but this view ignores the contribution of genetics to each individuals metabolism, said senior author Manolis Kellis, a professor of computer science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).The study, co-authored by scientists at MIT and the Harvard University Medical School, appears in the New England Journal of Medicine.Researchers focused on a gene region known as FTO, which has been probed widely since it was discovered in 2007 but has remained poorly understood.Previous research tried to link the FTO region with brain circuits that control appetite, but researchers now believe the action takes place in fat cells and affects how much fat is stored, independently of the brain. Specifically, the study found that a higher expression of two distant genes, IRX3 and IRX5, meant more fat was stored.Then, they showed that they could manipulate this new pathway to reverse the signatures of obesity.Using a DNA editing technology known as CRISPR/Cas9, researchers could switch between lean and obese signatures.When researchers inhibited the corresponding gene in the fat cells of mice, the animals metabolism soared and they shed weight without eating less or exercising more.The results at the organism level were dramatic, said lead author Melina Claussnitzer, a visiting professor at MIT.These mice were 50 percent thinner than the control mice, and they did not gain any weight on a high-fat diet. Instead they dissipated more energy, even in their sleep, suggesting a dramatic shift in their global metabolism, she added.The circuitry underlying the FTO region functions like a master regulatory switch between energy storage and energy dissipation.Researchers said they are currently forming partnerships with academics and industry to explore therapeutic options -- and perhaps a cure -- for obesity.

Bearish Fed minutes send dollar tumbling


NEW YORK (AFP) - The unexpectedly bearish minutes of the Federal Reserves July policy meeting sent the dollar sinking Wednesday.Markets took the tone of the record of the July 28-29 meeting as a sign that the central bank was less likely to begin hiking interest rates in its September meeting, though some analysts said that could still be in the cards.The dollar fell more than one cent against the euro on the release of the minutes, and finished at $1.1121 to the euro and at 123.89 yen.Policy makers weighing a move to raise the federal funds rate from the zero level expressed a number of doubts over labor market tightening and inflation picking up in the short term, even as they remained confident about the strengthening of the US economy in the medium term.They also showed some worry over the impact of Chinas slowdown and market turmoil.The Fed is still split on whether the time to start raising rates is near, said Ian Shepherdson of Pantheon Macroeconomics.But there was enough optimism in the report to leave a rate hike -- the first in more than nine years -- still in play at the September meeting.Im a bit surprised by the market reacting as much as that, said Vassili Serebriakov of BNP Paribas.I think the message was were getting closer to hiking but were not there yet. Certainly, theres no clear signal of a rate hike in September and thats whats hurting the dollar.

Oil hits 6.5-year low as US crude supplies rise


NEW YORK (AFP) - Oil prices in New York sagged to a new six and a half year low Wednesday following data showing an increase in US petroleum stocks.US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for delivery in September dropped $1.82 to $40.80 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract fell as low as $40.46 a barrel earlier in the session.European benchmark Brent oil for October delivery fell $1.65 to $46.81 a barrel in London.The drop came after a US Department of Energy report showed oil stocks rose 2.6 million barrels in the week ending August 14. The data also showed a 300,000 barrel rise at the closely-watched Cushing, Oklahoma trading hub.Traders are girding for further weakness with the end of summer driving season.As we go into the next couple of months, crude oil demand is going to decline, which worries the market, said Andy Lipow, head of Houston consultancy Lipow Oil Associates.Lipow and other analysts expect US oil prices to dip below $40 a barrel. Bearish factors include the Iran nuclear deal with major powers; slowing demand in China; and continued high output in Saudi Arabia and some other OPEC countries.Were probably likely for some further weakness, said Fred Lawrence, vice president of economics and international affairs at the Independent Petroleum Association of America.I dont necessarily expect it to go below $40 for a long period of time, but it certainly is poised to do that.

Greece gets go-ahead for third multi-billion euro bailout


ATHENS (AFP) - Greece got the green light on Wednesday to start repaying its debts and reviving its economy after eurozone finance ministers formally approved a third reforms-for-rescue of up to 86 billion euros.A source close to the matter said Greece would receive a sum of 23 billion euros ($25.5 billion) on Thursday morning, thereby allowing Athens to make a loan repayment of 3.4 billion euros due the same day to the European Central Bank.The all-clear from the finance ministers in the 19-country eurozone came after the new bailout was approved by European parliaments, including the Bundestag of Germany, Greeces effective paymaster.This agreement provides perspective for the Greek economy and a basis for sustainable growth, said Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the Dutch finance minister who chairs the so-called Eurogroup.The Greek government is bound to implementing this wide-ranging reform package with determination and we will monitor the process closely, Dijsselbloem said in a statement. We are certain to encounter problems in the coming years but I trust we will be able to tackle them, he added.Pending endorsement from key national parliaments, Dijsselbloem and the other eurozone finance ministers had on 14 August approved the bailout to keep Greece in the single currency bloc, pay its bills and revive its shattered economy.The German parliament voted by an overwhelming majority on Wednesday to back the third bailout, with Chancellor Angela Merkel spared a major rebellion of deputies opposing the aid.Interrupting their holidays for the second time this summer to cast ballots on a Greek rescue, lawmakers in the Bundestag lower house approved the 86 billion euro ($95 billion) rescue plan by 453 votes to 113. Eighteen abstained.While passage was virtually guaranteed given the dominance of Merkels left-right grand coalition, the key question was whether the chancellor would face damaging dissent within her own camp.In the end, 63 conservative rebels cast No ballots and three abstained, marking only a slight increase from a vote last month approving the start of negotiations on the package.At that time, 60 of the chancellors MPs voted No and five abstained. The mass-market Bild newspaper had predicted up to 120 deputies could revolt during Wednesdays vote.Meanwhile Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte was grilled in parliament on Wednesday for his cabinets support for the bailout, with the opposition accusing him of having betrayed his electorate by breaking his promise that no more money would go to Greece.Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was on Wednesday mulling whether to early elections after the austerity bailout split his radical left Syriza party, leaving him powerless to push further reform bills through parliament. A decision is expected next week.Tsipras rode to power in January on a wave of popular anger against the tax hikes, spending cuts and reforms demanded by creditors in exchange for two previous bailouts costing 240 billion euros.Tsipras has said that Greeces creditors - the European Union, European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund and the European Stability Mechanism - have agreed to discuss public debt relief measures when a first assessment of reform compliance is completed in November.The debt currently stands at 312.8 billion euros, the finance ministry said Wednesday.The Greek premier has also called for the European Parliament (EP) join the quartet of creditors in overseeing the recently-approved bailout deal. The request was made in a letter sent on Wednesday to EP president Martin Schulz in which Tsipras requested the direct and full involvement of the EP -- as the fifth actor in the context of the so-called creditors quartet.The initial 23 billion euro payment will see 10 billion euros placed in a fund to recapitalise Greek banks while another 13 billion euros will be partly used to pay back both the ECB and to cover an EU bridging loan of 7.16 billion euros, which was given in July to allow Athens to honour previous commitments to the ECB and the IMF. The bailout accord goes far beyond economic management to include an extensive overhaul of Greeces health and social welfare systems plus its business practices and public administration.Seemingly small details of daily life will also be affected by the new rules, from visits to the doctor to an extension of the expiry dates on pasteurised milk in the supermarkets.

Amla century sets up South African win


CENTURION (AFP) - Hashim Amla returned to form with a century which set up a 20-run for South Africa in the first one-day international against New Zealand at SuperSport Park on Wednesday.Amla (124) and Rilee Rossouw (89) shared a second wicket partnership of 185 as South Africa scored 304 for seven after being sent in to bat.New Zealand several times threatened to get close before they were bowled out for 284 with 11 balls remaining.Tom Latham (60) and captain Kane Williamson put on 104 for New Zealands second wicket after Luke Ronchi had been caught at first slip off Dale Steyn in the first over. An injured Martin Guptill made an aggressive 25 after Williamson was dismissed for 47 but New Zealand then lost three wickets in the space of 12 balls.Guptill injured his left wrist while fielding and did not open the batting as usual. He came in at number four after having an injection.The tourists looked out of the game at 158 for five but left-handers Jimmy Neesham and Colin Munro put on 71 off 65 balls to keep their side up with the required run rate before both were dismissed in quick succession.I was pleased with the way the boys stuck at it considering the way Hashim and Rilee Rossouw batted, said Williamson. But when you lose three wickets in a short time it doesnt help.South African captain AB de Villiers was disappointed with a sloppy South African performance in the field. We should have won by a bigger margin. We need to get that energy going. Perhaps a good fielding session is needed before the next game.Amla had gone ten international innings without a fifty since making 159 against Ireland in a World Cup match in Canberra on March 3. In seven of those innings he failed to reach 20.But much of Amlas customary fluency returned as he posted a half-century off 54 balls and his 21st one-day international hundred off 109 deliveries. He was bowled by Adam Milne for 124 off 126 balls, with 13 fours and three sixes. He was dropped on 74 when a diving Latham at cover could not hold a fierce drive off part-time bowler Munro.The left-handed Rossouw struggled to find his timing on a slow pitch, scoring only two runs off the first 17 balls he faced. He laboured to his fifty off 81 balls but picked up his scoring rate to finish with 89 off 112 balls. Rossouw also benefitted from a missed chance, dropped by Milne on the midwicket boundary off Grant Elliott when he had 32.It was the first meeting between the two teams since a dramatic World Cup semi-final, which New Zealand won by four wickets with one ball to spare in Auckland in March.But only four of the New Zealand team and seven of the South Africans from the Auckland encounter lined up for Wednesdays game. Injuries, retirement and players being given time off accounted for most of the changes.

Remembering the fallen; 44th death anniversary of Rashid Minhas observed


(Web Desk) -- Tuesday marks the 44th death anniversary of a Pakistani national hero, Rashid Minhas Shaheed.He remains the youngest officer to receive the Nishan-e-Haider award and is the only recipient of the highest honour of gallantry from Pakistan Air Force.Born on 17th February 1951, this gallant son of soil got his early education from the city of lights, Karachi.On reaching the age of 17, he joined Pakistan Airforce Academy in Risalpur as a Flying Cadet. He graduated from the academy and passed out as General Duty Pilot in 1971. He was posted to PAF base Masroor to hone his craft as a fighter pilot. He successfully completed his training in August 1971.These were tense times in the history of the country and times of such magnitude require men of even greater substance. Needless to say Rashid Minhas rose to the occasion when the duty called.On the fateful morning of 20th August, Rashid Minhas got into his aircraft and got clearance for take-off by Air traffic controller. He was readying his aircraft for take-off when his trainer, the traitor-to-be, Matiur Rehman, signalled the young officer’s T-33 Trainer Jet to halt.This raised a red flag in the young officer’s mind who thought the act to be an irregularity as the protocol dictated otherwise.But the 20 year old thought nothing of it as his ‘instructor’ climbed abroad his aircraft under the pretense of ‘observation’.Rashid Minhas’ initial judgement proved right as the backseat member of his 2 crew trainer aircraft transmitted a message via radio to his comrades back in Karachi to take his family to the Indian High Commission and seek refuge there.On learning the nefarious plot of the Judas clad in the uniform of his beloved country Rashid Minhas notified Maripur Control Tower of the incident.The traitor, however, overpowered the officer by employing chloroform from behind in an literalc act of backstab and cowardice. The young officer lost consciousness soon as the effect of the drug took its toll.The spirit of Rashid Minhas was far from broken. As his captive took control and changed the direction of the plane to Indian territory, the young lad fought mind over matter to regain consciousness and sent repeated messages on radio.The enemy territory edged closely by the moment and even in the heat of the situation, Rashid Minhas knew that the aircraft could not be maneuvered back to the base.It is said that God reserves the toughest battles for his best and such was the case when Rashid Minhas decided that he would rather see the aircraft burned to the ground than to be in the hands of the enemy.As the crossing of the border remained 32 kilometers, Rashid Minhas turned his control yoke downwards to steer his plane to the ground. His plane crashed down in Thatta, Sindh.The gallant officer braved martyrdom at 11:45 hours 20th August 1971.Rashid Minhas showed interest in aviation and aircrafts from a young age. Little did anybody know that the young boy, whose family hailed from Jammu Kashmir would achieve a height of greatness beyond any elevation an aircraft could reach.He was awarded the highest gallantry award, Nishan-e-Haider posthumously.

Hafeez defrauded of Rs 3.5 crore by property dealers


LAHORE (Dunya News) – Former Pakistani cricket team captain Muhammad Hafeez has been defrauded off Rs 3.5 crore by property dealers which not only did not give him plot but didn’t even return the money, reported Dunya News.According to Muhammad Hafeez, he brought a 8-marla plot in Defence via property dealer named Kashif. The suspects had promised the transfer of plot but at the time of transfer had presented excuses after which they promised numerous plots and returning of the payment made by the cricketer but to no avail.As per Muhammad Hafeez, the suspects had paid 1.25 crore rupees back to him last year yet a check of 2.25 crore rupee had bounced back which was given by the suspects.Muhammad Hafeez went to SP CIA Muhammad Umer Virk after hiatus of 2 years to complaint about the matter.

Bahria Town's petition to demarcate land belonging to forests department rejected


ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected Bahria Town’s petition to demarcate land belonging to Forest Department, Dunya News reported.Rejecting Bahria Town’s attorney Aitzaz Ahsan’s petition, Justice Qazi said Bahria Town must either hire a new lawyer or present its case by itself.According to details, Justice Qazi Faiz Isa gave the remarks during the hearing that Aitzaz Ahsan’s petition seeking continuance in the case cannot be approved and adjourned the hearing until Friday.

Karachi: 5 terrorists including Abdul Ahad apprehended


KARACHI (Dunya News) – The hunt for co-conspirators involved with terrorist killed in Gulshan Iqbal continues as police arrested 5 relatives and associates of terrorist Abdul Ahad, reported Dunya News on Wednesday.According to sources, police has taken 5 associates and relatives of terrorist Abdul Ahad, the electronic engineer from Jamshoro University in, into custody. Police has also taken into custody the man who rented out his apartment to Abdul Ahad.The flat that Abdul Ahad rented out has been sold 7 months earlier. People living near the flat are also being questioned, it is learnt.

South Africa unexpectedly suspends release of Oscar Pistorius


JOHANNESBURG (AFP) - South Africa has put the release of Paralympian Oscar Pistorius on hold, saying a decision to free him on Friday after serving only 10 months in prison for killing his girlfriend had been premature.Justice Minister Michael Masutha said in a surprise statement Wednesday that the June decision to allow Pistorius to serve out the remainder of his five-year sentence under house arrest had no legal basis and was suspended pending a parole board review.The 28-year-old athlete was convicted in October of culpable homicide -- a charge equivalent to manslaughter -- over the killing of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentines Day in 2013, but prosecutors have appealed, seeking a murder conviction instead.Wednesdays announcement comes on the very day Steenkamp, a model and law graduate, would have celebrated her 32nd birthday.It is apparent... that the decision to release him on 21 August 2015 was made prematurely on 5 June 2015, when the offender was not eligible to be considered at all, Masutha said in a statement.The earlier decision of the CSPB (the Correctional Supervision and Parole Board) to place the offender under correctional supervision is suspended until the Parole Review Board has decided on the matter, the statement said.Pistorius will have served a sixth of his five-year sentence by Friday, making him eligible for early release under South African law.But the justice minister said the early release decision should not have been taken before he had actually served out that 10-month period.The minister suggested to local radio 702 that the parole board may have misinterpreted the law and been in haste in taking a decision prematurely.It was not immediately clear when the review board would meet and justice ministry officials remained tight-lipped on the matter.It will depend on how and when the review board is going to hear the matter, ministry spokesman Mthunzi Mhaga told ENCA news channel, refusing to speculate about the possible date of the athletes release.Pistoriuss family said they were mulling their options.We accept the decision made by the minister of justice, and are considering our options, said Pistorius family spokesman Anneliese Burgess told AFP.- Political interference -But puzzled legal experts speculated that Pistoriuss lawyers may go to court as early as Thursday to have the ministers decision set aside.What we have here may be a case of political interference, said Johannesburg-based lawyer Martin Hood.Even if Pistorius launches an urgent court bid, he could remain behind bars for several days to come as the parole review board has 14 to reconsider his case, according to a Pretoria criminal attorney, Llewellyn Curlewis.Steenkamps parents June and Barry had been outraged by the idea of Pistorius getting out of jail after just 10 months.During his high-profile and often emotional trial, Pistorius did not dispute that he shot Steenkamp four times through a locked toilet door in his upmarket Pretoria home in the early hours of February 14, 2013.But he says he mistook her for an intruder.Prosecutors however insist that he deliberately killed her after an argument, and this week appealed the culpable homicide verdict.If they win their case, which is to be heard in November, Pistorius could face at least 15 years in jail for murder.The athlete -- nicknamed the Blade Runner for the prosthetic legs he wears on the track -- won international fame after racing against able-bodied competitors in the 2012 London Olympics.Once a poster boy for sport, Pistorius -- whose legs were amputated below the knee when he was 11 months old -- has lost his lucrative contracts and has no immediate hope of salvaging his athletic career whatever the outcome of the appeal.His trial had exposed his darker side, offering glimpses of a dangerously volatile man with a penchant for guns, beautiful women and fast cars.- Emotional ceremony -The initial parole board decision would have meant Pistorius serving the rest of his under house arrest.While there had been speculation he would spend this time at the home of his wealthy uncle Arnold -- a mansion in a posh Pretoria suburb -- there was a possibility the athlete would have asked to stay in a different location, away from the glare of the media.Correctional services head Zach Modise said Pistorius, who is behind bars in Pretorias Kgosi Mampuru II prison, initially wrestled with his sentence.At the beginning he could not understand that you get locked up in a cell, Modise told South Africas Sunday Times earlier this month.I think hes getting to understand you have to control your anger and temper, said Modise. I hope when he gets released on probation he will be able to conduct himself well.On Wednesday, the Steenkamp family visited a beach in their home town of Port Elizabeth and threw roses into the sea at an intimate ceremony to mark Reevas birthday.


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